How to make useful things from an old washing machine. Do-it-yourself natural washing powder Do-it-yourself washing powder

The variety and availability of household chemicals on the modern market is not a reason to refuse to prepare their equally effective analogues. Every housewife can make her own washing gel with her own hands. Such products are universal, can be used in automatic machines, and are completely harmless to health.


Women have to wash their clothes regularly: some do it every day. Store-bought products often contain many dangerous components that negatively affect health by provoking allergic reactions. To improve the quality of washing, many manufacturers of household chemicals add various chemicals to the composition, which have a rather aggressive effect on the skin of the hands during hand washing. In addition, when particles of substances enter the respiratory tract, they can provoke a decrease in the immune system, nervous diseases, and dermatological rashes.

Unlike store-bought powders, homemade laundry gel contains soap that can deal with old stains and will perfectly clean things at any temperature.

Additionally, the benefits of homemade cleansers include:

  • low cost of components;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • no unpleasant odor in washed items;
  • absolute safety for health;
  • Can be used for washing dishes and floor coverings;
  • elimination of negative reactions in allergy sufferers;
  • Suitable for washing baby clothes.

The soda they contain is an absolutely safe substance that neutralizes acid and can soften water. The composition prepared on its basis has a number of properties:

  • enhances the cleansing effect of the detergent;
  • protects fabric fibers;
  • eliminates stubborn stains;
  • will help get rid of unpleasant odor.

Soap and soda are used mainly for washing clothes of newborns, as well as people prone to allergic reactions.

When washing in cold water (temperature less than 40 degrees), the gel is first dissolved in a small amount of warm water and only then added to the drum of the washing machine.


Homemade detergents, along with their advantages, have minor disadvantages:

  • poorly soluble in cold water. The recommended temperature should be at least 40 °C;
  • a mixture of sodium carbonate effectively washes clothes, but can cause colored items to fade. In these cases, baking soda will help, but its use may negatively affect the quality of the wash;
  • technical soda often provokes wear and tear of linen, so it is usually used for severe contamination, for example, when removing fuel oil;
  • homemade powders and pastes are not used for washing wool and silk fabrics;
  • homemade liquid remedies can cause dry skin, so you should use rubber gloves when washing by hand;
  • homemade gel for automatic washing machines does not cope well with coffee and chocolate stains. In these cases, first remove the stain with laundry soap or stain remover, and then wash it with gel.

The best results can be obtained if you pre-soak the laundry. The product is placed directly into the drum: due to the thick gel-like composition, it can remain in the tray. The recommended dosage is 2 tablespoons per 4 kg of clothing.

Many housewives have noticed: if you add 5 g of fine salt to the cleaning paste before washing, you can preserve the color of your clothes.

Intensive washing gel

To remove old stains, a washing gel is made from laundry soap and soda ash. The ingredients it contains do not get stuck between the threads and do not leave white spots on things. Not suitable for cleaning wool and silk fabrics.

The components are:

  • one piece of laundry soap;
  • 200 g sodium carbonate;
  • 2.5 liters of water.

In this recipe, you can use any soap that has antibacterial properties, but the best effect can be achieved by using 72% laundry soap.

It is worth noting that food is not cooked in the container for preparing the mixture.

The soap is grated, mixed with 1.5 liters of water, stirred and placed on the stove. The mass must be slightly heated with constant stirring, without waiting for it to boil. After dissolving the soap, the composition should acquire a uniform consistency.

Soda ash is used when particularly strong stains need to be removed. However, it can cause brightly colored items to fade, so if the stain is light and you want to preserve the original color of the items, it is better to use baking soda.

After this, the remaining water is poured into it and soda is added. The mass must be constantly stirred, avoiding the appearance of foam. To avoid white spots on products, you should wait until the soda is completely dissolved.

The finished mixture is cooled at room temperature, left for 24 hours and poured into containers. If it thickens too much, you can dilute it a little with water and heat it again. This washing paste should have a consistency similar to sour cream.

Clothes disinfection gel

To remove stubborn stains and mold, you can make a washing gel from laundry soap and dry borax. This composition effectively disinfects things and washes away all types of stains. If desired, add a few drops of aromatic oils at the end of cooking - this will help give the laundry a pleasant aroma that will remain in the fibers for a long time.

For production you will need:

  • 5 liters of water;
  • 1.5 cups baking soda;
  • 300 g borax powder;
  • a large piece of soap.

To make liquid washing powder, as in the previous recipe, you can use 72% laundry, antibacterial soap, or replace it with tar.

Place soap shavings in 500 g of water, constantly stirring the solution. After the mass becomes homogeneous, gradually add other ingredients without ceasing to stir, then pour in the remaining water in a thin stream.

The mixture is heated over a fire without waiting for it to boil. The resulting gel is kept for 24 hours, after which it is poured into containers. This home remedy has a mild effect and does not destroy fibers, so it can be used for delicate items, as well as for regular use. The optimal amount to add is 3 tablespoons.

Gel for children's clothing

For delicate fabrics, as well as children's clothes, you can prepare washing gel at home from baby soap. This mixture does not provoke allergic reactions and washes dishes perfectly.

A popular recipe is to make a detergent from “Eared Nanny” soap, which is perfect for washing newborn clothes. This liquid powder has a pleasant light aroma that dissipates quickly. In addition, they can be used to wash clothes either manually or by adding them to the washing machine.

  • 4 liters of water;
  • 1/2 “Eared Nanny” laundry soap;
  • 90 g sodium carbonate.

The soap is grated, combined with hot water and boiled over moderate heat. The mixture should be constantly stirred until the solution forms a thick mass, in which soda powder is gradually dissolved and the gas is immediately turned off. The mass is left to cool completely and poured into containers. If there is no allergy, add aromatic oils - lemon, mint or tangerine.

If the fabric needs to be bleached, 35-50 g of hydrogen peroxide is poured into the gel.

Typically, this composition is used to wash clothes at 60-90 °C; colored fabrics are washed at a temperature of 30-40 °C.

Paste for whitening clothes

This washing paste will help whiten any fabric and can be used for delicate baby clothes.

For preparation you need:

  • soap shavings from one bar of soap;
  • 400 g sodium carbonate;
  • 500 grams of baking soda;
  • aroma oils – 5-10 drops;
  • 3 liters of water.

Soap shavings are placed in a pan, diluted with 1.5 liters of water, heated over moderate heat, stirring constantly, until a homogeneous gel-like mixture is obtained, after which sodium carbonate, baking soda, and 5-10 drops of fragrant essential oil are poured. The resulting paste is considered universal and can be used in an automatic machine.

To improve the quality of washing, some housewives add green tea to the composition.

Soft conditioner for clothes

Homemade conditioner is usually poured into the machine tray during the rinsing process. Thanks to its composition, it perfectly removes soap stains, gives things a subtle pleasant smell, softens fibers, and is universal.

The required components are:

  • 400 g white vinegar;
  • 400 g baking soda;
  • 400 g water;
  • aroma oil.

First, add soda powder to the water and stir the solution until it is completely dissolved. After this, vinegar is gradually poured into the liquid. At the end, add 8-10 drops of aroma oil and mix the composition intensively. The conditioner is poured into glass bottles and stored at room temperature.

If there are serious stains, clothes should be soaked in warm water, adding a little prepared gel. Just a couple of hours in the basin will significantly increase your chances of a positive result.

Many housewives are improving old recipes for preparing liquid and dry washing powders and even developing their own versions. When making a homemade product, useful tips may come in handy:

  • If desired, aromatic oils with your favorite scents are added to the cleansing composition. In addition to a pleasant aroma, they have positive properties. So, tea tree copes well with bacteria, orange and lemon oil will help remove greasy stains, lavender relaxes, peppermint oil will help cure colds faster.
  • To whiten things, you can add 2-3 drops of blue to the gel mass.
  • To preserve the color of things, add 5 g of fine salt to the composition. In this case, the items should be rinsed again, as white marks may remain on them.
  • You can soften your clothes by adding 5 g of citric acid to your homemade liquid powder.

Maintaining the correct dosage will help you achieve excellent results:

  • for moderate contamination, the standard dosage is used - 200 g or 1 glass of cleaning paste;
  • to wash clothes with difficult to remove stains, the dose can be increased to 400 grams;
  • for intense contamination, a dosage of 600 g is used.

Homemade laundry detergent has virtually no foam, but is not inferior to the effectiveness of conventional washing powders.

It is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to do without laundry detergent. The effectiveness of these products is constantly increasing, but at the same time new synthetic additives that are unsafe for health are being introduced into their composition. And the price of detergents is steadily creeping up. So housewives are thinking about how to replace washing powder for their automatic washing machine.

It turns out that you can prepare its analogue with your own hands at home. It won't take much time. And the resulting product will be safe, cheaper and quite effective.

Harm of purchased powders

Factory-made laundry products contain, with rare exceptions, a number of components that are unsafe for health. The greatest harm is caused by phosphates and surfactants. Yes, they are very effective in eliminating various types of pollution. But freeing washed clothes from their traces is quite problematic. Even high-quality repeated rinsing of laundry in hot water does not allow you to get rid of them completely.

Remaining on the fabric of clothing, the components of the powder easily penetrate the skin, causing harm to health. No, manufacturers are not deceiving when they claim that these harmful additives are used in the production of these products in minimal quantities. But such chemicals have an unpleasant tendency to accumulate in the human body. At first, this may not affect your well-being. But over time, the negative effects of washing powder will appear.

Not everyone knows, but phosphate additives are toxic in themselves. They negatively affect the functioning of the liver, the functioning of the genitourinary system, and the condition of the lungs. Moreover, they enhance the harmful effects of surface-active components that are present in laundry detergents. Because of them, a person may experience:

  • skin rashes, peeling;
  • redness of the skin;
  • allergic runny nose, sneezing, cough;
  • general decrease in immune defense.

In addition, washing powders also contain other unsafe ingredients - bleaches, fragrances, formaldehyde, ammonium compounds, etc.

All troubles can be avoided if you use washing powder made from laundry soap and soda. There is no doubt about its effectiveness - it successfully copes with all kinds of dirt on clothes.

Home Remedies: Pros and Cons

Many housewives may have doubts - is it worth spending time on preparing homemade laundry detergent? To draw the right conclusions, you need to evaluate all its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

There is one more undoubted plus: do-it-yourself washing powder for an automatic washing machine is also suitable. The resulting product has low foaming and does not contain particularly caustic substances. Therefore, it is not capable of damaging the elements of the washing machine. However, it is still not recommended to regularly use only homemade automatic washing powders. The best solution would be to alternately use purchased and homemade products.

Disadvantages of washing powder, made at home, not so much.

Required Ingredients

How to make washing powder at home? It's not difficult at all. Moreover, all the necessary components are available. You can find them at home or purchase them without any problems - they are cheap and not in short supply. The basis of such products is soda and soap. But the addition of other ingredients is additionally required. Here's everything you might need.

Homemade Laundry Recipes

There are several ways to make your own washing powder. Its composition depends on the washing option and the type of fabric being processed. Any powder is made from soap and soda. To begin with, it is recommended to prepare a small amount of product, enough for one wash. It should be noted that minor inaccuracies in the ratio of components will not particularly affect the quality of the wash. But it is advisable to adhere to the recommended proportions.

Hand wash

No matter how hard housewives try, sometimes they still have to wash their clothes by hand. Either you just need to refresh the item and wash it faster with your hands, or the fabric is very delicate, or the color palette does not allow you to load everything into the machine together. I don’t want to use an expensive automatic powder for these purposes, and due to low foaming, working with it manually is not always convenient. Then you need to spend money on buying hand washing detergent. But you don’t have to do this, because it’s easy to prepare it yourself. For this you will need:

  • solid soap - 300 g;
  • baking soda - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • soda ash - 1 tbsp.;
  • borax - 250 g;
  • essential extract (oil) - 8−12 drops.

The last two components do not need to be added to the powder. The required amount of soap is grated on the finest grater, combined with the rest of the ingredients and dried. All is ready! After this, the mixture can be poured into a hermetically sealed storage container. Like any powder, the product must first be diluted in hot water until completely dissolved, and only then immerse the laundry in the solution. The powder contains soda ash, so it is strongly recommended not to wash without gloves.

Liquid gel

From the same components you can prepare a liquid gel for hand washing. The advantage here is that you don’t need to waste time dissolving it in water. Simply pour the required amount of gel into hot water and stir. The gel is prepared as follows:

The cooled gel product is poured into a convenient container, possibly with a dispenser.

Machine washable

Homemade powder can be used for machine washing in both automatic and semi-automatic modes. Both recipes listed above are suitable for this. But it is better to completely replace soda ash with baking soda. Moreover, if you use a powder product, it is recommended to first dissolve it in a small amount of water. The resulting solution can be placed in the detergent compartment or simply poured over the clothes in the tank.

But, even despite such precautions, over time the tubes in the machine can become clogged with soap deposits. Therefore, it is not recommended to constantly use powders based on any soap shavings. It is proposed to try the effectiveness of a product that has the following simple composition:

  • a glass of borax;
  • a glass of baking soda.

Additionally, you can add the same amount of table salt and half the volume of wine vinegar. This powder should be used in a temperature range of 40−60 degrees. But even this product should not be used for machine washing too often.

Making homemade powder is very simple. This will result in a safe and effective product. But it must be used wisely. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve high quality washing at minimal cost.

Attention, TODAY only!

If your household appliances are broken, do not rush to throw them away - many useful things can be made from their parts, even fashionable furniture. We will offer many original options that you can make from parts of an old washing machine with your own hands.

Useful mechanisms

First of all, you can use spare parts from an old washing machine to make useful mechanisms for the household.

Grinding and cutting machine

Giving a second life to the electric motor of household appliances is quite simple - its power is quite enough to make a sharpening machine. There are no particular difficulties for the home craftsman: attach the motor housing to a strong wooden base (a piece of board will do), connect the start and stop button, make an adapter attachment on the shaft where the grinding or cutting wheel will be attached. You can see other homemade products made from a washing machine engine.


Many people dream of having their own smokehouse to surprise friends with smoked meats, but in a city apartment there is no place to install it. We offer a mobile analogue - it is made from the drum of a washing machine. We fix a thin sheet of steel in a circle so that the smoke does not escape through the perforations, and insert a special grate in the middle where fish and meat will be laid out for smoking.

A hole is made on top for the pipe, where the smoke will come out; under the grate we lay out wood blocks or chips from oak, alder, cherry or apple tree. The main task is not to overdo it, the volume of the smokehouse turned out to be small, so you don’t need to put a lot. It is better to find out the norm in advance using an empirical method, from smallest to largest. Experts in this field assure that five small bars or dry branches are quite enough.

For those who are engaged in breeding poultry for subsequent sale in city markets, this improvement will be to their liking. We mean assembling the feather removal machine on your own. It works in the same way as the factory analogue, only it looks less aesthetically pleasing, but is many times cheaper.

The operating principle is not particularly complicated:

  1. The fairly capacious tank is studded with special rubber pins (beaters) with a threaded connection at the end for a tight and reliable connection to the body.
  2. The bottom rotates at high speed and is also studded with rubber beaters.
  3. A poultry carcass scalded with boiling water is placed in the tank: chicken, goose, duck or broiler.
  4. When turned on, the bottom rotates, the beaters force the carcass to quickly move throughout the entire internal space, as a result of which the feathers fly off in different directions.
  5. In 2 minutes the carcass is cleaned, leaving only minor residues in the area of ​​the inside of the wings, tail and paws.

Using the example of some farms, up to 30 carcasses can be plucked in this way in an hour.

Amateurs believe that mechanical plucking causes damage to carcasses, but in practice their presentation is 100% preserved.

The tank is positioned horizontally and water is supplied as shown in the photograph. An outlet is made at the bottom to remove water and feathers, so the bottom is slightly smaller than the diameter of the drum. The supply of water has a beneficial effect on the entire process of mechanical plucking.

The most cost part- purchasing pins made of durable rubber: the cost of one is at least 1.5 dollars, and you need at least 120 of them, but the costs will quickly pay off.

Interior details

We have not listed everything that can be made from a washing machine if you have a lot of imagination and certain skills. If you don’t need a lathe, then there are many ideas for using parts from an old washing machine in the interior of an apartment or private house - all you have to do is choose the most suitable one.

Sealed door

The loading hatch door from a car can be adapted to fit a window in a wooden frame - it looks unique and is actually practical. To do this, you just need to cut out the door along with part of the front panel of the household appliance - the original one is ready porthole, fitting into almost any interior.

If you live in the private sector in your own house, and there is a shaggy security guard in the yard, then he booth You can insert a door from a typewriter, through which in severe frosts he will see everything, but be in a warmer room. With the help of such a homemade product, you can isolate the formidable watchman when guests arrive - he sees everyone, but is not able to bite or tear clothes.

We must remember that the hatch is sealed, so make side holes to ventilate the booth.

Using a stainless steel drum with plenty of perforations, you can change the interior of your apartment beyond recognition: make a unique coffee table in a fashionable hi-tech style. You can decorate it internal lighting from an LED garland to save energy - simple, but looks original and very unusual.

This is not difficult to do: you just need to attach a few steel pins to the drum body. Attach a table top made of plexiglass or MDF board on top. A piece of furniture made in this way will decorate the interior of your living room.

Unique poufs

Fantasy has no limits - with a certain skill and imagination, you can make various poufs from a drum for a children's room. We take a colored pillow and cut out a square of the same size from chipboard, then use a stapler to secure the pillow to the square.

We attach the halves of the card loop to the chipboard and the outer wall of the drum using self-tapping screws and self-tapping screws, paint the side surface of the drum with bright paint - a unique pouf with a hinged lid is ready, and inside children can store small toys and things.

Such original poufs made of stainless metal will last for many years, when children grow up, they can be covered with discreet fabric and placed in the living room.

Lampshade for the nursery

To completely change the interior of a children's room using an original homemade lampshade from drum from an old washing machine, you need to do the following:

  • from any non-flammable, non-conducting material (textolite, ebonite) we make a circle half the size of the drum diameter;
  • then we cut out a hole for the cartridge and connection wire;
  • insert the cartridge into the prepared hole, fix the circle on the back wall of the drum, take the wire out;
  • We screw three special hooks into the ceiling, as shown in the photo;
  • We attach special cables to the drum body on which the entire structure will hang;
  • we hang the assembled structure;
  • connect the wire from the chandelier to the socket terminals;
  • We screw the light bulb through the receiving hole of the drum - everything is ready.

To dim the light and create a fabulous interior, you can attach multi-colored light fabric to the walls inside.

In the country

If you have a plot of land, you can use one of the ideas below. Their implementation does not require special skills and will not take much time.

To help the gardener

Here, an old drum can be used to wash vegetables or mushrooms grown in the garden beds. The container is placed above the gutter, the harvested crop is placed through the laundry hole, we water it from above with a hose, and from below the dirty water flows out by gravity through the perforations. The original design works like a colander in the kitchen, only much larger - at the entrance we get clean vegetables or mushrooms, quickly and without unnecessary hassle.

Many gardeners use the drum as growth limiter fruit bushes or protecting the root system of rare flowers from pests - not a single rodent will overcome the steel protection, and excess moisture will escape through the hole system.

You can also make it unique flowerpot, decorating the sides with fragments of ceramic tiles of different designs - beautiful and unusual.

Making a grill

The drum body is made of stainless steel, and it is resistant to high temperatures, so you can make an original rotating grill, especially since there are already perforations for airflow on all sides. We take old pipes, if we don’t have our own welding, then we invite a neighbor - and in half an hour we have a barbecue in our yard for cooking barbecue. To prevent the weather from spoiling the holiday, we build a durable rain canopy on top.

It’s quite easy to make a brazier yourself from a drum from frontal machines, with vertical laying of linen - you need to make small modifications: cut off the side side with a grinder, and add a stable support from below.

From a drum and an electric motor from household appliances, you can make a concrete mixer, a juicer, a universal sterilizer for home canning, a grass grinder and cereals for feeding poultry - there are no limits to your imagination.

To implement grandiose projects, anyone can find the information they are interested in, diagrams and detailed drawings with an algorithm of step-by-step actions on the Internet. When a washing machine breaks down, each user can independently figure out how to organize a second life for it.

Looking at an old washing machine, any housewife dreams of quickly replacing it with a new assistant. The home craftsman, on the contrary, is in no hurry to throw the machine into scrap. He thinks about where this “wealth” can be used.

Answering the question of what can be made from a washing machine, let’s carefully consider it from all sides.

We will see that the design contains many useful components and assemblies that can receive a new life in the hands of a good craftsman.

Judge for yourself: a body and an engine, pulleys and a drum, a window with a sealed door, relays and switches - this is a list of components from which you can make many useful things and mechanisms in the household.

Let's explore together the most popular homemade options from old washing machines, both conventional and automatic.


The first thing you should pay attention to after inspecting a used home washing machine is the engine. It has enough power and speed to make a homemade sharpener. No complex modifications are required here.

For the shaft you need to make an adapter attachment on which the grinding wheel will be attached. If we provide an additional “neck” for the cutting wheel at the seat, then together with the sharpener we will get a cutting machine. They can cut not only plastic pipes, but also metal (reinforcement, sheet or corner).

As you can see in the photo, the washing machine motor is attached to the frame using four brackets. The switch for it was removed from the same washing machine. A regular piece of thick board was used as the base. The option turned out to be quite acceptable, especially considering its mobility and ease of manufacture (no welding required).

Here is another similar option for using a motor to install a grinding and cutting wheel. Having placed them on a common adapter, they are clamped with a nut with a left-hand thread.

Simple crafts from an old washing machine

Not every person knows how to masterfully work with welding or a lathe. However, even in this case, you will be able to find a worthy use for the old washing machine. Look at the window that covers the drum. This is a masterpiece of engineering art and a godsend for design.

Without further ado, many use it for its intended purpose, but in an updated context. Cut out the washer door along with part of the body and you will get an excellent “marine” porthole. It will look original in any interior.

If you love your yard guard, then be sure to decorate his booth with this modern “facade”.

In addition to the original appearance, this option has practical significance: if necessary, the dog can be easily isolated from guests without fear for their legs and clothes.

Just don’t forget to make side ventilation holes in the booth (the window on the automatic washing machine is sealed!).

Coffee table made from a washing machine

Your old automatic washing machine, or rather its drum, will help decorate the interior of your apartment. You can use it to make an original coffee table. Perforated stainless steel, complemented by colored lighting, looks great.

It is not difficult to make such an unusual piece of furniture in the high-tech style. You will need several steel rods that need to be attached to the washer drum. A round tabletop made of glass or MDF board is fixed on them.


The body of the washing drum, made of durable and high-quality stainless steel, can withstand very high temperatures. Therefore, it can be used as a barbecue.

A few pipes, half an hour of welding and a convenient barbecue grill will appear on your estate. By making the supporting part of the structure collapsible, you can take it with you on country picnics.

Drums from front-loading machines, as well as from top-loading washing machines, are suitable for making barbecues. In this case, you will have to cut off one of the sides of the body with a grinder, and provide it with a stable support from below.

Mobile smokehouse

Why buy an expensive smoker for fish and meat when there is an old washing machine sitting idle on the farm? There are many options for using it in this capacity.

We will focus only on the mobile device. It can be made from a drum removed from a top-loading automatic washing machine.

To prevent smoke from escaping through the side perforated holes, they must be muffled with a thin steel sheet, wrapped and secured around the body. On top, as it should be in a real smokehouse, we make a hole for the chimney. We fix a smoking grate inside the drum (you can take it from an old gas stove).

Concrete mixer

This is a rather complex device, which, in addition to mixing concrete, must ensure its unloading. Therefore, when planning to make a concrete mixer out of an old washing machine, first weigh your plumbing skills and knowledge.

The easiest way to turn a barrel washer into a device for mixing concrete is to replace the standard activator with super-shaped blades. They can be made from a thick 4-5 mm steel strip. To do this, you need to cut it to size, then bend the two blades and rotate them 90 degrees relative to each other.

After this, they need to be welded to a shaft passed through the hole for the remote activator.

The drain hole, which is in every barrel washing machine, must be plugged. Next we proceed depending on how much concrete will need to be mixed. If we are talking about 1 bucket, then you can leave the old single-phase motor.

If you need to prepare a large volume of concrete, then in place of the old motor you will have to install a more powerful one (0.75-1.2 kW) with low speeds (1300-1500 per minute).

In addition, the “original” belt drive must be replaced with a gearbox that reduces the speed (from 1300 to 25-30) and increases the torque on the mixer blades.

Note that the best mixing quality is obtained when it is not the shaft with the activator that rotates, but the concrete mixer body itself with the blades fixedly fixed in it. However, to create such a design, a deeper and more complex modification of the washer is required.

Sterilizer for preservation

Another homemade product from an old barrel washing machine will be useful for the dacha and farmstead. This is a sterilizer in which you can install a dozen cans for heat treatment.

The only point that needs to be taken into account: such a device is suitable for sterilizing fruits and vegetables. To process meat, a higher temperature is needed (above + 100C).

The rework sequence looks like this:

  • A plug is placed on the activator hole;
  • A thick wire mesh for cans is mounted on the bottom;
  • You need to place a support under the mesh;
  • A hole is drilled in the housing for installation of a 2 kW electric boiler.

1. Activator plug;
2. Water level;
3. Washing machine tank;
4. Cover;
5. Drain hose;
6. Cans with preservation;
7. Wire mesh;
8. Electric boiler (heater) 2 kW;
9. Electrical cable.


There are two options here:

  • Using an old machine with a centrifuge and a washing compartment;
  • Remaking a conventional barrel washing machine.

Let’s say right away that the first option is better, since it allows, with minimal modifications, to implement two processes in one device: chopping fruit and squeezing it. To do this, you will need a washing machine in which the activator is located on the bottom, and not on the side wall. Replacing it with three homemade strip steel knives, we get a fruit slicer.

Knife installation diagram:
1. Knife,
2. Shaft;
3. Clamping nut;
4. Washer;
5. Tank bottom;
6. Bearing assembly with oil seal;
7. Activator pulley;
8. Locking screw.

The drain hole of the washing tank must be plugged.

There are few additional treatments for the second unit - the centrifuge. You need to install a stainless steel mesh in it (mesh size 1.5 mm, wire thickness 0.2 mm) so that it covers the side surface of the centrifuge.

After thoroughly rinsing the centrifuge, washing tank, hoses and pump with baking soda, you can make the first load.

The operating principle of this juicer is very simple. The fruits are washed and loaded in small portions (1/2 -1 bucket) into the washing tank (knives must be turned on). After 15-20 minutes of cutting, the engine is turned off and the crushed mass is transferred to a centrifuge (in portions of 3-4 liters). Turn on the centrifuge and squeeze out the juice.

Making a juicer from a barrel washing machine or automatic machine is much more difficult. In a barrel, a homemade centrifuge can become a “stumbling block”. Making it is half the battle; the main thing is to achieve perfectly accurate alignment. Without this, at high speeds it begins to vibrate strongly and it will be impossible to squeeze out the juice.

Here is a drawing of a working sample. The master had to work hard to reduce the runout of the centrifuge (the motor is suspended from the washing machine body on 6 springs). Of these, 3 balance the engine in a horizontal plane, and the other 3 push it upward. The body itself rests on an old car tire, which dampens vibration.

Feather removal machine

The body of an old washing machine is suitable for assembling a device that can be used to remove feathers from poultry carcasses. To make it, you need to install a steel disk 3 mm thick and with a diameter slightly smaller than the diameter of the tank at the bottom of the tank.

Holes are drilled in it and special rubber fingers are placed in them. They are the most expensive elements of the future design (1.5-2 dollars per piece). On average, you need 120-140 pieces. The diameter of the fingers depends on the type of bird being plucked. Please keep this in mind when you place your order.

All other components of the washing machine, including the motor, do not need to be changed. Holes are drilled in the side walls of the case for installing pen-removing (punch) fingers. To do this, you need to step back 15 cm from the bottom of the tank.

The distance between the holes for the fingers is chosen within 3-4 cm. The lower disk is mounted on the drive shaft.

There is no need to plug the drain hole here. It will be needed to drain water that drains from the carcasses. After scalding the bird in boiling water, it is placed in a tank and the engine is turned on. Rubber fingers remove the pen quickly and cleanly.

Washing powder has firmly established itself on the shopping list of every good housewife. But what to do if it suddenly runs out and there is not a single gram of this product in the house? Is it possible to find a worthy replacement for it using available means?

Pros and cons of homemade powders

What are the benefits of homemade laundry detergent?

  1. It contains no questionable or harmful components.
  2. Does not have a characteristic chemical smell.
  3. Does not cause allergies, can be used for washing children's clothes.
  4. Various recipes allow you to prepare the powder for both hand and machine washing.
  5. Copes perfectly with heavy dirt.
  6. The ingredients are inexpensive and can be easily found in the store.

True, there are also disadvantages.

  1. Preparing the detergent takes some time.
  2. Homemade powder may leave white streaks on clothes due to its high soap content.
  3. If the recipe uses, then you need to wear gloves for hand washing.

As you can see, the home remedy has many more advantages, and the variety of recipes allows the housewife to choose the most optimal option.

Before making washing powder, you need to prepare the following dishes:

  • small saucepan;
  • bucket;
  • wooden spoon;
  • empty water bottles.


  • baby or regular soap without fragrance;
  • soda ash;
  • baking soda;
  • citric acid;
  • essential oil of lavender, lemon (or any other);
  • borax;
  • salt;
  • water.

What properties do these substances have?

  • Borax, or sodium tetraborate, is a mineral that has excellent cleaning properties due to its alkaline composition. Often used to soften fabrics and wash children's clothing. It has antifungal, antimicrobial and antibacterial effects.
  • Baking soda neutralizes pH in case of excess alkali and acid, softens and disinfects fabric.
  • Soap has long been used for hand washing, but special recipes for homemade powder allow it to be successfully used in a washing machine.

If this is your first time making laundry detergent at home, make small batches using different recipes. This will help you make your choice.

5 homemade laundry detergent recipes

There are many ways to make washing powder at home; we will present the most popular, tested and approved by many housewives.

Recipe No. 1 – for linen and cotton fabrics

To wash natural fabrics made from plant fibers correctly, the detergent must have an alkaline reaction.


  • laundry soap (50 g);
  • baking soda (200 g);
  • soda ash (100 g);
  • salt (1 tbsp).

Method of preparation: grate the soap, add the remaining ingredients, mix thoroughly (you can use a blender).

Recipe No. 2 – for silk and wool

These fabrics are very delicate, so soda ash must be excluded from the composition and made more acidic with lemon. If the fabrics are colored, baking soda should also be replaced with salt, this will help wash the fabric carefully while preserving the natural color.


  • soap (100 g);
  • salt or baking soda (400 g);
  • citric acid (2 tbsp.).

Method of preparation: grate the soap, add salt, citric acid, mix well, and then pour into a container suitable for storage.

Recipe No. 3 – for washing artificial fabrics

To wash such clothes, the composition of the product must be made more gentle. The effect is achieved by reducing the amount of soda ash or completely replacing it with baking soda. Wash at a maximum temperature of 40 degrees.


  • soap (50 g);
  • baking soda (250 g);
  • soda ash (75 g).

Method of preparation: mix the grated soap thoroughly with the remaining ingredients.

Recipe No. 4 - for washing children's clothes

Using borax in the composition will help to gently clean and disinfect children's things.


  • soap (100 g);
  • baking soda (400 g);
  • borax (150 g).

Method of preparation: finely grate the soap, add the remaining ingredients, stir thoroughly.

Recipe No. 5 – liquid powder

The gel-like consistency allows you to reduce product consumption. Suitable for all types of fabrics except silk and wool.


  • laundry soap (100 g);
  • baking soda (400 g);
  • borax (200 g);
  • water (5 l);
  • essential oil (15 ml).

Cooking method

Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, add grated soap, put on low heat until smooth. Boil the remaining 4 liters of water, add soda, borax and the resulting soap solution. Stir thoroughly, adding essential oil. After the powder has cooled slightly, pour into convenient containers (for example, empty water bottles).

Terms of use

After preparing the powder at home, many are interested in how to use it correctly?

Home remedy consumption:

  • dry powder 150-200 g per 5 kg of laundry;
  • liquid – 100g per 6 kg.

In addition, there are several important nuances.

  1. If the soap pieces are large, then when washing by machine, the product is placed directly into the drum.
  2. If you need to wash colored and black linen, you should add 1-2 tbsp to the prepared powder. l. salt. This will preserve the color, and an extra rinse will help get rid of the white streaks.
  3. It is better to pre-soak heavily soiled laundry. And if there is no time, then before washing, problem areas should be rubbed with laundry soap.
  4. Washing powder should be stored in a dark place and shaken before use.

Harm from store-bought household chemicals

If you are still wondering whether to make the powder yourself or not, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of disadvantages of household chemicals from the store.

  • The main components of purchased powders are surfactants and phosphates. Even a few rinses cannot completely remove them from clothes.
  • Surfactants very often cause allergies, which are especially severe in young children.
  • Phosphates are toxic, absorbed through the skin into the blood, they inhibit the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • Various bleaches, sodium silicate and other harmful ingredients weaken the immune system, leading to dermatoses, allergies, and dry skin.

Everyone decides for themselves whether to use household chemicals from the store or not. However, many women have long forgotten about the problem of “how to wash clothes” and successfully use a home remedy.