Humidifier with hot and cold steam. How to choose a steam humidifier: reviews and recommendations

Ultrasonic air humidifier for children Ramili Baby AH770

Cold evaporation humidifiers: cleanliness and comfort in your home

How to avoid white residue when using humidifiers? What is the most effective and safest method of moisturizing? How to saturate the air with moisture without affecting its temperature? Cold mist humidifiers are your opportunity to make your home clean and fresh.

Useful and safe

There are three types of humidifiers used in everyday life:

  • traditional (cold steam).
  • steam (hot steam).
  • ultrasonic.

Automizers - spray-type humidifiers - are used on an industrial scale.

Traditional humidifiers are the simplest and safest devices. Their action is based on the principle of natural evaporation.

The design of the device consists of three key working elements:

  • water tank.
  • drum plate.
  • fan.

2/3 of the plastic drums are placed in a container with water. A fan is located above the drums. Rotation of the drums ensures constant hydration of the plates. The fan takes dry air from the room, passes it through wet surfaces and directs it back into the room. Without heating, water molecules “evaporate” into the air naturally.

The simplest humidifiers of this type use paper filters. In them, water rises to the surface through capillaries. Most modern devices operate without replaceable paper filters, but with plastic rotating disks.

Can a cold mist humidifier clean the air?

  • The process of air purification with a traditional humidifier is quite simple. When dust hits a wet disc, it lingers on its surface. During rotation, the surface is lowered into the water and cleaned of contaminants. While cleaning the appliance, you will find a ball of “dirt” collected from the room at the bottom of the water tank.
  • When water particles enter the air, they weigh down small particles of dust and fur and deposit them on the floor or other surfaces. During the first time you use the device, you may notice that the amount of dust on the floor and furniture has increased. But it is not the humidifier that is “dusty”, it is the result of its work. Moderately humid air (40-60%) will help you get rid of unpleasant odors, microscopic mites, and bacteria.
  • Another feature of the humidifier is the ability to control atmospheric pressure. With reduced pressure, water evaporates more actively and thereby normalizes it.

Traditional humidifier in your interior

A wide range of devices with this functionality will allow you to choose exactly the device that will best suit the interior of your room or office. Manufacturers create models of different shapes: from rectangular and flat to completely round; different colors and with different functionality.

Models with built-in players are presented to music lovers. People who like to control time will find humidifiers with a clock and an alarm clock for themselves.

Cold evaporation humidifiers are not only useful, but also an expression of style! Take care of your health and the health of those you care about!

Views: 15,254 website 01.02.2017

Among electrical household equipment, a special place is occupied by a system for increasing air humidity, the basis of which is a hot or cold humidifier. Modifications of both differ in operating principle and purpose. Cold steam humidifiers, unlike hot steam humidifiers, do not heat the water. In the second case, under the influence of temperature, steam is formed, through which the room is saturated with moisture. And in the first, steam is obtained by breaking water into droplets using vibration. But in any case, the air humidifier uses cold steam for its intended purpose. And it is a special container in which, like in a household kettle, the liquid turns into steam. But in a hot device it is brought to 100 degrees. In addition, unlike a saucepan or kettle, a cold humidifier has a slightly different design.

Humidifier - hot steam as a basis

In most cases, electrical devices produce hot steam. It is known that water boils at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius, and its heating in the apparatus is carried out using built-in electrodes, between which an electric current passes. The air humidifier produces hot and cold steam intelligently, therefore it is an economical and safe device that ensures the maintenance of normal air levels.

Regardless of the type of device, the main requirement is water quality. It must be well mineralized and have the necessary electrical conductivity. These requirements can easily be met with ordinary tap water. But due to the fact that tap liquid is far from perfect in terms of quality, the device should be periodically cleaned to remove scale.

All devices offered in stores have built-in sensors for the water level in the container, which allows the user to add liquid in a timely manner, bringing it to normal. The safety of the device is ensured by a protection system that automatically turns off the device if the liquid in the tank is used up, as a result of which the connection between the electrodes is interrupted and the circuit is opened.

Are cold steam humidifiers better?

Continuing the conversation about this device, you should focus on the safety that the humidifier has - hot steam can cause burns, but in this case the device has a durable body material (plastic) with increased heat resistance. The tool will not be plugged in if the filler cap is open, which is also an additional safety element.

Not all models of cold humidifiers are equipped with a hygrostat or hygrometer - sensors that show the level of humidity in the room. In this case, it is better to purchase them separately.

Low air humidity is a common problem indoors when the heating is on. The lack of steam in the air negatively affects your well-being. This can manifest itself as headaches, coughing and loss of energy. In winter, a relative humidity of 30-45% is considered the norm in residential areas. In summer, this level is significantly higher and ranges from 30 to 60%. At the same time, excess humidity leads to the appearance of condensation on glass and other surfaces. In addition, a fungus develops. To maintain optimal humidity concentration, an air humidifier is used. It is a small compact device whose task is to evaporate water into the room.

Types of Humidifiers

Scientific progress has made it possible to develop 4 types of devices for air humidification, working using different technologies. Humidifiers are used for domestic purposes:
  • Cold steam.
  • Hot steam.
  • Ultrasonic.
  • Spray.
Cold steam humidifier

This equipment is also called traditional. It is considered the simplest and least effective. The principle of operation of such a humidifier is that there is a container of water in its body. From it, moisture is absorbed into evaporative elements made in the form of a cartridge, filter or disk. The soaked surface for evaporation has a large area, which increases the efficiency of moisture evaporation. The device does not have its own heating elements. Water molecules turn into steam naturally and rise into the air. The cartridges used are usually replaceable, as they get wet quickly, especially if they are made of paper, which is found in budget models.

The equipment is equipped with its own electric motor with blades. The fan forces air through the cartridge, which speeds up evaporation. Although such a device is considered the simplest and least effective, it also has some advantages:

  • Filters the air.
  • It's cheap.
  • Suitable for repair.
  • Does not require humidity sensors.

The fan drives air through the wet cartridge, so dust lingers on the walls of the evaporator. Thanks to the operation of such equipment, it becomes easier to breathe indoors. It is also worth noting the fact that cold evaporation into the air decreases as the relative humidity in the room increases. Thus, if it is too dry, then the humidifier quickly solves this problem, and if the humidity is already within normal limits, then evaporation is reduced. In fact, natural maintenance of the optimal level is ensured without the use of specialized sensors. A traditional humidifier is capable of evaporating up to 8 liters per day, with a power consumption of about 50 W.

Hot steam humidifier

A hot steam humidifier is more effective than the previous category of equipment. Water is poured into the device, where it begins to heat up. As the temperature of the liquid increases, the evaporation rate increases. This humidifier has a similar design to. It maintains a high temperature of the water, promoting its rapid transition to a gaseous state.

The operating intensity of the devices at a power of 300 to 600 W is up to 16 liters per day. This equipment is equipped with a hygrostat - a sensor that responds to humidity. When the set level is reached, it turns off the heating. If the device continues to operate, the humidity in the room will increase significantly, which leads to the formation of condensation, which is why there are practically no devices without a hygrostat.

A hot-type air humidifier allows you to quickly saturate the room with the required moisture concentration. However, the equipment also has the disadvantage of high energy consumption and noise. Usually it is not used in domestic premises, but is installed in wet greenhouses. Some manufacturers offer compact home humidifiers equipped with low-power heaters, which reduce energy consumption but are sufficient for a small area.

Ultrasonic humidifiers

The ultrasonic humidifier features high performance with moderate energy consumption. The principle of operation of such a device is that it creates ultrasonic waves, the vibration from which leads to splashing of water and the formation of small particles picked up by the air flow from the fan. A fine water suspension, pushed by the fan from the humidifier housing into clean air, quickly turns into a vapor state and contributes to an increase in relative humidity.

The output stream from ultrasonic equipment resembles fog in appearance. Such devices operate with minimal noise levels, which can be compared to traditional humidifiers. Ultrasonic humidifiers are significantly quieter than hot steam devices because they do not have a heating element that begins to hiss when scale builds up. With an energy consumption of 50 W, the humidifier is capable of processing up to 12 liters of water per day.

Ultrasonic equipment is considered the best option for installation in residential premises. In this regard, manufacturers offer various models, some of them are equipped with control panels, as well as a liquid crystal display. The humidifier also has built-in sensors to turn it off when the required level of relative humidity is reached.

Spray type

Spray Humidifier , or atomizer, is an industrial piece of equipment commonly found in greenhouses and greenhouses. The principle of operation of such devices is that a powerful pump supplies a flow of water to the spray nozzle. It forms small droplets, the diameter of which is only 5-8 microns. Such a fine suspension turns into a vapor state literally 20-30 cm from the spray nozzle. These devices have a high productivity of over 200 liters per hour.

Extending the service life of the humidifier

Since water constantly evaporates in the humidifier body, scale inevitably remains in it, similar to that which can be found in a kettle. Gradually, this leads to clogging of the evaporator channels and damage to the cartridge, if we are talking about traditional cold steam devices. To solve this problem, it is recommended to use distilled water. After transitioning to a gaseous state, it does not leave scale.

Useful functions of household humidifiers

When choosing a humidifier, regardless of the principle of its operation, the presence of certain functions will be important to ensure comfortable operation. First of all, this concerns the light indicator of the critical water level. It signals the need to refill the tank. Thanks to this, idle equipment is eliminated.

Another important feature is that it automatically turns off when the device is tipped over. This will prevent overheating of the heating element in the case of hot evaporation devices, as well as eliminate unnecessary use of electricity. This function will not be superfluous if there are children or pets in the house.

Locking the switch on if assembled incorrectly is also a useful feature. Many budget humidifiers, when assembled incorrectly, continue to evaporate, while the moisture exits through the wrong hole, or does not evaporate at all. As a result, the efficiency of the device decreases, and this can only be noticed after a few days.

Which humidifier to choose

It should be noted that a humidifier can only work effectively within one room. That is, if it is installed in one room, the doors to which are closed, then in other parts of the apartment or house the relative humidity will not be regulated. The best option in this case would be to install several devices.

For rest rooms, such as a bedroom or children's room, it is better to choose traditional humidifiers. They can handle a room up to 18 square meters. Of course, ultrasonic is more effective in this regard, but it is often too powerful for a small space, and it is quite difficult to find a model that is not so productive. As for hot steam devices, they make noise when water boils, so they are suitable for installation in the hallway, living room or kitchen, but it is better not to install them in sleeping areas.

Buying a humidifier , You should pay attention to the presence of additional functions:
  • Air cleaning.
  • Aromatization.
  • Ionization.

These functions are optional, but their presence has a very positive effect on the operation of the device. As for filtration, all traditional humidifiers and some ultrasonic ones have this ability. Aromatizing the air involves pouring aromatic oil into a special tank in the device. It is not added directly to the water, because it has a greasy consistency, and when it evaporates, it will leave stains and scale, which can damage the device and clog its fan. Some expensive devices carry out additional ionization of the air. Negatively charged particles destroy flying bacteria, and also help retain moisture in the air without the formation of condensation.

Every person in school knows that 70% of it is water. However, moisture contained in the surrounding atmosphere also affects human health. What can low moisture content in the air lead to? First of all, a person’s immunity weakens, the skin loses its elasticity and healthy appearance, the person becomes weak and gets tired quickly. Young children suffer especially greatly from all of the above.

Why do you need a humidifier?

Most of each person's year is spent indoors. People practically never spend time in the fresh air. As a result, the moisture balance is disrupted, leading to various diseases.

In the summer months, such an imbalance is almost not felt, but in winter the difference in air humidity outside and indoors is very noticeable. First of all, this is due to the heating of the premises by the heating system.

The first to feel the lack of moisture in the air is the person’s nose and throat, a feeling of dryness will arise, then the person’s skin and lips begin to dry out.

If you notice similar symptoms in yourself or your loved ones, you need to take action immediately.

Now we have come close to the question - how can you maintain the natural level of humidity in your home or work?

Using a humidifier will solve dry air problems .

What types of air humidifiers are there for the home?

Type 1. Fan or cold steam humidifiers

The most traditional version of a humidifier. The principle of action resembles a basin of water. In these humidifiers, all processes occur naturally. That is, moisture evaporates from the moisture container located inside the device. First, special sponges absorb water, and only then does it enter the air. The task is to create an air flow that enhances and activates the process of moisture evaporation. Particularly important.

With this method of air humidification, without much effort, you can achieve the natural air humidity in the room to be 50-60%, which is the norm.

The advantage of such humidifiers is the fact that when the air humidity is less than permissible, the fan begins to work with greater activity, which leads to greater evaporation of moisture. As soon as the humidity in the room reaches 50-60%, the fan slows down and the moisture evaporates much more slowly.

Such humidifiers operate almost silently and for as long as necessary. Also, during their operation, steam does not form in the room. However, their sizes are slightly different from other types of humidifiers. Due to the fact that the design includes a fan, the humidifier has large dimensions. Such devices are very simple to maintain - it is enough to occasionally wash the sponges to remove dust and sediment that occurs as a result of interaction with water.

Advantages of cold mist humidifiers

  • economical energy consumption;
  • affordable price;
  • steam is not visible, so the device does not attract children;
  • A capsule for flavoring is provided.

Disadvantages of cold steam humidifiers

  • it is necessary to change the filter quite often - once every two months;
  • the maximum possible humidity level is not more than 60%.

Note: In order for the humidifier to work at maximum power, it is enough to place it close to the heating device.

Type 2. Home air humidifiers “hot steam”

The operating principle of this humidifier is based on heating water to a boiling point of 100 degrees. Water turns into steam and thereby evaporates in the room, increasing the humidity of the air. Only this type of humidifier can raise the air humidity in your room to 100%. Now nothing can stop you from performing inhalations or steam baths at home. It should be noted that such steam is absolutely sterile and does not contain harmful impurities.

However, such humidifiers are quite noisy, which can be disturbing at night, especially for a small child. In addition, heating water to boiling temperature requires additional energy consumption. Or can I get by with a humidifier? You will also have to periodically clean the heating element when scale builds up on it.

Advantages of hot steam humidifiers

  • hot steam cleanses the air of all harmful impurities;
  • even if the water in the device is dirty, the steam will be clean;
  • the humidity level in the room can reach 100%;
  • performance is higher than that of other types of devices.

Disadvantages of hot steam humidifiers

  • are dangerous especially for young children;
  • they work noisily;
  • consume large amounts of electricity.

Type 3. Ultrasonic humidifiers for home

These devices appeared on store shelves relatively recently, but very quickly won the favor of many customers.

The operating principle is based on high-frequency vibrations of the membrane inside the humidifier. As a result, water turns into steam, but this steam does not heat up and remains cold.

A distinctive feature of this type of humidifier is its absolute silence, and they are able to raise the air humidity in the room to the desired level in the shortest possible time. The maximum level of humidity possible when operating an ultrasonic humidifier is 90%.

Many models of ultrasonic humidifiers have built-in hygrometers. This greatly simplifies the process of controlling indoor air humidity.

However, the disadvantages of such a device include the presence of steam in the room, albeit cold, but from an aesthetic point of view - steam in the room is not a very pleasant sight. Also, plaque forms in the humidifier after only a short time of using the device. However, there are no difficulties associated with its removal - just wipe the inside of the device with a damp cloth. Replacement cartridges, which are sometimes included with a humidifier, do not always help cope with the plaque problem.

Advantages of ultrasonic air humidifiers

  • a wide range of devices of different designs and sizes;
  • completely safe to use;
  • when the set humidity level is reached, or all the moisture has evaporated from the device, the humidifier will turn off on its own;
  • work silently;
  • consume a small amount of electricity;
  • the maximum possible indoor humidity level is 90%.

Disadvantages of ultrasonic humidifiers

  • it is necessary to use cleaning filters or distilled water;
  • steam in the room is distributed unevenly.

Important characteristics of humidifiers

1. Power.

One of the most important characteristics of the device, indicating how much moisture the humidifier is capable of converting into steam in one hour and subsequently maintaining a given level of humidity for a long time.

From the point of view of this parameter, “cold steam” humidifiers are the least efficient. Their productivity does not exceed 300 ml/h. “Hot steam” humidifiers have taken the “golden mean” - their performance ranges from 400 ml/h to 700 ml/h. Ultrasonic devices are considered the most effective - their performance allows you to achieve room humidity at 90%.

Note: The power of one humidifier is designed exclusively for the area of ​​one room.

2. Filter

  • Photocatalytic. Allows you to clean steam from harmful impurities by 95%. In this case, bacteria and viruses die, and gases decompose. An important advantage is the long service life.
  • Nera. They belong to the category of fine filters. Allows you to achieve almost one hundred percent purification of steam from dust and dirt particles with a size of at least 0.3 microns. Disadvantages: short service life (no more than a year), high cost.
  • Ionizing or electrostatic. Captures charged particles. It copes well with dust and soot, however, it does not remove toxins from the steam. Advantages: affordable, can be cleaned repeatedly.
  • Carbonic. Perfectly cleans steam from smoke, unpleasant odors and chemicals. It is used in conjunction with another filter and requires replacement within the period specified by the manufacturer.
  • UV. Kills fungi and bacteria and does not require special care.

3. Air enrichment

  • Ionization. The ions, due to their negative charge, affect the dust, as a result, dust particles settle on the floor. In addition, ions can prevent the proliferation of microbes.
  • Ozonation. Enriching the air in the room with ozone helps disinfect it.
  • Aromatization. The air in the room will always be fragrant. Essential oils can be used as aromatic substances.

4. Additional options

  • Hygrostat. With its help you can always monitor the level of humidity in the room. In addition, the hygrostat makes it possible to turn the device on and off automatically.
  • Steam direction adjustment. Thanks to this function, moisture will evaporate strictly in the specified direction.
  • Intensity adjustment. If necessary, you can set the required operating intensity of the device.

Some models of humidifiers are equipped with a control panel, internal lighting and a timer.

It depends only on you what kind of air you and your closest people will breathe. We need air every second, so why not make sure that it is clean, humidified, healthy and pleasant to breathe. In the next article we will look at the topic - their advantages and disadvantages.

Insufficient humidity is not just discomfort. In such conditions, the body’s fatigue increases, headaches occur, and health may worsen. Dry air dries out the mucous membranes that protect the body from viruses and germs, increasing the risk of respiratory infections.

Dust particles in such an atmosphere circulate freely throughout the entire room, and this leads to an exacerbation of allergies in people susceptible to it. Not only people, but also pets and indoor plants are sensitive to excessive dryness. But, of course, children suffer the most. In winter, at the height of the heating season, indoor humidity can be no more than 20%. In the Sahara Desert this value does not fall below 25%.

The optimal air humidity should be:

for adults 40-70%

for children 50-70%

for plants and animals 55-75%

for office equipment 40-60%

for furniture 45-60%

Household air humidifiers with cold/hot steam operating mode create a moisture balance that is comfortable for life. They not only improve the atmosphere of your home, but can also saturate it with pleasant aromas and even perform inhalations.

The principle of operation of the “cold” steam mode

The air is forced through a wet filter using a fan, as a result of which it cools slightly and is saturated with moisture. The drier the ambient air, the higher the evaporation rate. And vice versa. That is, in this mode the humidity level is automatically adjusted and maintained at a comfortable level. In addition, the air passing through the wet filter is also cleaned, leaving dust particles on it. To make the humidifying cartridge less likely to require replacement, distilled water should be poured into the device. Consumption ranges from 3.5 to 8 liters of water per day, power consumption is 20-50 W.


  • - Low noise level.
  • - Low energy consumption.


  • - Water that has not been distilled leads to frequent filter replacements.
  • - The humidity level cannot be adjusted accurately.

This mode is used in residential and office premises. It is ideal for children's rooms and bedrooms.

Operating principle of the “hot” steam mode

The water is brought to a boil and begins to evaporate. The sensor indicates when the set humidity value has been reached and turns off the device. The kit often comes with inhaler attachments that allow you to use this mode for medical purposes. This mode of operation does not require any consumables. Water consumption ranges from 7 to 16 liters per day, power consumption is 300-600 W.


  • - The level of humidity in the room does not affect the operation of the steam generator.
  • - Inhalation attachments allow the device to be used for medical purposes.
  • - Microbes contained in water are killed when heated to the boiling stage.


  • - High power consumption.
  • - Prolonged work leads to a sauna effect.

This mode is used for inhalation and aromatherapy. It is good for greenhouses and winter gardens. But it should be remembered that the steam leaving the evaporator remains hot.

Household humidifiers with cold/hot steam operating modes allow you to create a comfortable and healthy climate in your home with a wide range of adjustable humidity.