Biofuel fireplaces: design, types and operating principles of biofuel fireplaces. Biofuel fireplace Let's look at them in more detail


Recently, the demand for alternative energy sources has begun to increase. Biofuel fireplaces are now rare, but they have a number of advantages compared to other types of heating devices. You can see what they look like in the photo.

An ordinary fireplace is a combustion chamber with a chimney. The room is not heated very efficiently, since a considerable part of the hot air goes up the chimney. The fireplace is practically not used as the only source of heat, although, provided that the chimney is laid correctly, it warms up the rooms on the second floor quite well.

Eco fireplaces running on biofuel do not require the construction of a chimney. You can make an eco-fireplace with your own hands. During the combustion process, only water and carbon dioxide are released, which remain in the room. Since there is no chimney, only a small flame is maintained and the heat output is minimal.

Biofuel is ordinary ethyl alcohol, the cost of its production is pennies. Thus, the cost of such fuel mainly consists of the manufacturer's markup and excise tax. To turn the bluish flame of alcohol into something that resembles a fire on a wood fire, special additives are used. They convert ethanol into denatured alcohol.

Advantages and disadvantages of biofireplaces

Bio fireplace has the following advantages:
  1. No need to build a chimney. Thus, there is no need to lay ventilation ducts, as well as coordination with other residents if living in an apartment building.
  2. Most industrial equipment is mobile. Even the heaviest models weigh no more than 100 kilograms.
  3. Relative fire safety. Of course, such a fireplace can cause a fire, but you need to try hard. In fact, it resembles a household alcohol lamp. However, due to its weight, it is not easy to tip it over and thereby start a fire.

Disadvantages of biofireplaces:
  1. Such equipment performs only aesthetic functions. It is completely useless for heating rooms, since it cannot increase the temperature even in a small room.
  2. Despite the assurances of manufacturers that combustion products do not affect the composition of the air, the room must still have good ventilation due to the absence of a chimney. In a closed room, oxygen levels will quickly drop and excess humidity will build up, making the air unbreathable.
  3. Biofuel for fireplaces is not sold everywhere, and its price is quite high. Thus, some difficulties may arise with such a device.

Safety requirements

Fireplaces running on biofuel are subject to exactly the same safety requirements as any other heating appliances running on liquid fuel:
  • Biofuel cannot be stored in a canister near the fireplace;
  • for biofuel it is necessary to choose a place away from fire that is inaccessible to children;
  • It is prohibited to install the device near interior items that may catch fire due to high temperature;
  • the equipment must cool completely before loading;
  • It is strictly forbidden to add alcohol to a burning fireplace; failure to comply with this rule is almost guaranteed to lead to a fire;
  • To ignite, you can only use a lighter; do not put straw or logs into the stove;
  • if biofuel has been spilled on the floor, before igniting it must be wiped off the floor surface and wait until it dries completely by opening the windows (at a certain concentration, alcohol vapors are explosive);
  • during combustion, the device must not be used unattended;
  • It is unacceptable to leave fuel in the burner if there are children in the family - they can set it on fire and start a fire;
  • Children should not be allowed to play with the fireplace.
To give the fireplace the appearance of a real one burning with wood, you can buy special ceramic logs that do not burn.

Making a biofuel fireplace with your own hands

If you wish, you can make a bio-fireplace yourself if you follow some tips. In addition to ready-made devices, special burners are also sold, which are simple galvanized or stainless steel tanks with a slot and an upper adjustable valve. Alcohol is poured into such a container and set on fire, and the intensity of combustion is regulated using a valve.

There is nothing complicated about how to make a biofireplace with your own hands, you just need to follow some expert advice:

  1. In the heating zone, materials that are resistant to high temperatures are used: heat-resistant glass, stainless steel, fireclay bricks with lime mortar, stones, ceramics.
  2. It is not allowed to paint the elements of the biofireplace, as the paint will peel off after just a few times of using the device, and it will also emit a rather unpleasant odor. Read also: "".
  3. The valve on the burner should not be blocked by anything so that the fire can be extinguished at any time.
The simplest homemade bio-fireplace is a ceramic pot with a burner sprinkled with pebbles. But making biofuel for fireplaces with your own hands is not recommended.
Biofireplaces, despite their name, cannot be called heating devices. They have only an aesthetic purpose, and they are not able to heat even a tiny room. Thus, they are suitable only for interior decoration. There are many design options for such fireplaces, and if you wish, you can even make a fireplace yourself.

It is allowed to be installed even in apartment buildings, since they do not require a chimney. Their significant drawback is that biofuel is quite expensive, and is not sold everywhere.

In bad weather, when there is downpour or a blizzard outside the windows, it is pleasant to feel protected by reliable walls and enjoy the warmth of the hearth. In this regard, biofireplaces are a good item that gives you the opportunity to relax and recuperate.

A new look at old things

Biofireplaces have long been popular in the West, and now they are winning the hearts of our consumers. They are somewhat similar to aquariums. But instead of underwater plants, tongues of yellow-orange flames writhe in the space between the two glasses. This is a bio- or eco-fireplace.

The environmental friendliness of the new fireplace lies in the use of well-known combustible materials. The fuel for it is a mixture of alcohol and gasoline in a ratio of 9:1. Operating a biofireplace using such a liquid pollutes the atmosphere no more than burning a candle, which releases only carbon dioxide and water vapor into the environment. That is why a biofireplace is harmless for the home, which cannot be said about fireboxes where wood or coal is burned.

The following two points remain significant:

  1. Cost-effectiveness, which is determined by the absence of the need to store fuel for future use and build a warehouse for it (the mixture is convenient to store and lasts for a long time).
  2. Portability, which allows you to move the biofireplace for your apartment at any time to where you feel more comfortable at the moment.

In addition, the ease of lighting and extinguishing a fire with a special lighter and damper makes it simply a toy that children should not play with.

Aesthetics and design of biofireplaces

Thanks to the efforts of the developers, an eco-fireplace for an apartment is an item that successfully combines the elements of an open fire, like, but with the ability to safely place it in such a small space as a modern home. And the use of various finishing materials (metal, glass, wood, stone, etc.) allowed artists to create models that fit seamlessly into any interior. Thanks to this, an eco-fireplace for the home has become not only a source emitting positive energy, but also an object of aesthetic pleasure when contemplating it.

Is live fire safe in the home? Yes! To install a biofuel fireplace in an apartment, you do not need to create a chimney pipe. However, do not forget that the result of combustion is the release of carbon dioxide. Therefore, the structure cannot be installed in rooms with poor ventilation. The more massive the structure, the better the room should be ventilated.

The design is safe for surrounding objects. Thanks to high-quality thermal insulation, heat practically does not dissipate around the perimeter. However, do not forget that there is slight heating, so you cannot place the bio-fireplace on a flammable surface.

As for fire, it is as safe as possible. It burns with an even flame without sparks or flashes. When burned, biofuel itself does not emit toxic substances and carcinogens that are characteristic of a fire.

Advantages of biofireplaces

If you decide to buy a bio-fireplace for your apartment, then you probably know about them. The advantages of the structure include:

  • versatility;
  • decoration of any room;
  • creating a cozy atmosphere;
  • ease of operation and installation;
  • ease of dismantling, carrying and transportation.

A living, safe flame gives warmth in the literal sense of the word. A large fireplace will warm you up in the cold season, although it still shouldn’t be considered a full-fledged heater.

In the online store site there are designs that will fit into any style, be it hi-tech or retro. On the website you can buy a bio-fireplace for your apartment inexpensively and all the accessories necessary for its operation.

Webmarket site – bio-fireplaces for apartments: prices, description, photos

Interesting offers await you in the site catalogue. From us you can buy bio-fireplaces for an apartment in Moscow inexpensively. We offer only high-quality certified products delivered directly from the manufacturer. The store’s specialists will perform the necessary calculations and give advice on selection and further operation.

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Biofireplace is a godsend for designers. With its help, you can create accents in the interior and complement the room in any style.

It belongs to the secure device options. But unlike it, it has living fire. The fuel for the fireplace is special biofuel, which does not emit harmful substances when burned. Because of this, the device is called an eco-hearth.

This does not require the installation of a complex exhaust system. Installed fireplaces for apartments using biofuel. They will create a cozy atmosphere in the living room, dining room or any other room.

The main element of a biofireplace is a hearth without a chimney. Inside the structure there is a fuel block, which consists of a burner, a flame regulator and a fuel tank.

Fuel for biofireplaces is ethyl alcohol with special additives. During combustion, steam and a little carbon dioxide are released, the amount of which is comparable to the release during combustion of a regular candle.

Various materials are used to decorate fireplaces: ceramics, marble or fireproof glass. Forging elements and leather or veneer finishing are used.

The unique characteristics of fireplaces allow them to be used in any conditions.

Biofireplaces have the following distinctive features:

  1. The fuel burner is made of non-flammable ceramics or steel. Biofuel is added to the burner container.
  2. Alcohol for fuel is obtained by processing plant materials. In this case, various crops are used - from potatoes, corn and even sawdust.
  3. The biofireplace is not used to heat the room. They are used even in the warm season.
  4. The design is easy to connect. No pipes are required, and the device can be moved anywhere in the apartment.

As an interior element, a biofireplace can be portable, small, large or stationary. Even simple designs are used in original room design options.

The following types of biofireplaces are distinguished:

  1. Island or floor models are varied. There are products in both classic style and modern versions.
  2. Built-in fireplaces are considered a good option when a model is selected to fit an existing portal or niche.
  3. Corner structures are designed for placement at wall joints and in corners.
  4. Suspended devices come with a closed burner or an open fuel tank. The first type resembles a shelf with glass walls, and the second is a box with a front side that is covered with glass or a lattice.
  5. Tabletop biofuel fireplaces are compact devices equipped with a mini-burner. They have a special mechanism to protect against fuel leakage when dropped.

Biofireplaces are used not only indoors, but also in the gazebo and outdoors. A portable biofuel fireplace is suitable for this. Some models are supplied with fasteners for mounting on a wall surface.

Island fireplaces are produced in the form of a coffee table. Mobile options are installed on a cabinet or table.

For small rooms, built-in or corner structures are used.

Before purchasing a product, home owners are puzzled by the question: how to choose a biofireplace?

The defining feature of the device is its design. This is where the selection of suitable models begins.

Good quality fuel blocks are made from metal and stainless steel.

Before purchasing a device, you should find out what the fuel tank is made of and how thick the walls are. The thicker the walls, the longer the fireplace will last.

It is worth paying attention to the build quality. The seams should be smooth, and the body should be free of dents and scratches.

Various options for biofireplaces allow them to be used in any interior.

The option for a biofuel fireplace is selected depending on the overall design of the room:

  1. For a classic interior, a wall-mounted model clad in . In addition, ceramic fillers for the firebox are used that imitate coal or logs.
  2. A floor fireplace looks great in a natural style interior. An excellent option would be a glass floor fireplace.
  3. An elongated wall fireplace will fit into an ethnic interior. It's better to choose the low option. Place a soft surface and seat cushions nearby.
  4. For a retro style, it is recommended to choose a wall or floor option. A fireplace with a wood covering and white stones in the firebox looks colorful.
  5. For a room in a rustic style, a bio-fireplace made of ceramics in the form of rough-hewn or untreated stone is suitable. Will complement the interior.
  6. A bio-fireplace would be an excellent solution for a room decorated in a minimalist or high-tech style. It is worth choosing a functional and stylish model.

Various types of biofuel fireplaces can be purchased in a store or made with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself biofireplace

If you wish, you can make a biofuel fireplace with your own hands. In addition to ready-made devices, stores offer individual burners. They are steel containers equipped with a special valve and hole. Fuel is poured and ignited, and combustion is regulated using a valve.

When creating a fireplace, it is worth considering some nuances that experts note:

  1. The heating zone uses materials that are resistant to temperature changes. This is heat-resistant glass, ceramics or stones.
  2. It is not recommended to paint the parts of the device, as the paint peels off quickly and when heated, an unpleasant odor appears.
  3. The valve is freely accessible so that the fire can be extinguished at any time.

A simple version of a homemade device is a ceramic container in which a burner sprinkled with pebbles is mounted.

You should not experiment with the production of biofuel.

Biofireplaces are considered safe devices, but even when installing them, it is recommended to follow safety rules. It is recommended to regularly ventilate the room, as some amount of carbon dioxide is still released.

You need to ignite the fuel using a special device so as not to burn your hands. Do not add fuel to a burning device. Do not install the device near flammable objects.

Posted by Kirill


A biofuel fireplace is currently considered a very fashionable and elegant addition to any interior design. In addition, this decorative element... is...

Biofuel fireplace

Biofuel fireplace It is currently considered a very fashionable and elegant addition to any interior design. In addition, this decorative element is a source of warmth and comfort.

Fuel bio fireplace can be installed in a country house or apartment. The advantage of this type of heating element is that the fuel that is burned for heating is completely environmentally friendly.

Pros of biofuels

There are additional advantages to using biofuels:

  • This type of fuel does not clog or litter the space in the house;
  • It can be stored in a utility room without fear of being damaged by pests;
  • A small amount of biofuel is required for heating;
  • During the combustion process, no acrid smoke is released - this is partly due to the special design of the fireplace itself.

The fuel used for combustion is completely environmentally friendly. The amount of carbon dioxide released is equal to the combustion of two ordinary candles. Residues from burnt fuel do not require special disposal.

Arrangement of a biofireplace

Fireplaces for apartments using biofuel have different designs and decorative finishes. Often, models of this type are developed in accordance with modern design. They have a glass body and a metal-plastic burner. Biofuel fireplace without chimney, since combustion products as a result of fuel combustion are not released into the environment - they are recycled.

You can buy a biofuel fireplace in our store, having previously decided on the model and design. You can select a model from the catalog in accordance with the parameters that are suitable for the room. Biofuel fireplace price depends on the specific model.

In any case, such costs are justified, since a heating element of this type has many advantages:

  1. Easy installation and assembly;
  2. Does not require special permits for installation;
  3. Humidifies the air;
  4. Depending on the technology of the device, they can be portable.

In any case, such a device will decorate the interior and warm the residents of the house on cold evenings.