What does the symbol of the Taoist monad mean? Circle symbolism

The triangle is one of the first geometric figures that began to be used in the ornaments of ancient peoples. In Ancient Egypt, it was rectangular and was the embodiment of the triad of spiritual will, love and the higher mind of man.

The triangle is a symbol of the triune nature of the universe: Heaven, Earth, Man; father, mother, child; man as body, soul and spirit; mystical number three; three, the first of the flat figures. Hence the symbol of the surface in general. The surface consists of triangles (Plato).

An equilateral triangle symbolizes completion.

In the Ancient East, the triangle was revered as symbol of the nature of all things. A triangle with a vertex connected to the same geometric figure was used by pharmacies as an emblem of the time cycle.

The hermeneutic tradition knows many types of triangles with different interpretations.

Tara Yantra

Downward facing triangle, is lunar and has the symbolism of the feminine, womb, water, cold, nature, body, yoni, shakti. Symbolizes the Great Mother as a parent. The horizontal line is the ground; its color is white. In the symbolism of the mountain and the cave, the mountain is a male triangle facing upward, and the cave is a female triangle facing downwards. In many goddess yantras, a triangle with a point downward is placed in the middle.

Triangle pointing up, is solar and has the symbolism of life, fire, flame, heat (hence the horizontal line symbolizing air), masculinity, lingam, shakta, spiritual world; it is also the trinity of love, truth and wisdom. Denotes royal grandeur and has the color red as its symbol.

Hexagram. When it is superimposed on the sign of the feminine principle described above, we get the Hindu emblem of the unification of the creative and generative principles - a hexagram.

In the Indian tradition, such a symbol was also interpreted as a sign of the love of the gods for everything earthly. In Europe, this geometric figure was known as the Star of David.

A triangle inscribed in a circle represents the world of forms contained in the circle of eternity. Plutarch, describing this geometric figure, called the space limited by the sides of the triangle the plain of truth, on which the images of everything that was and will be are located. Triangles can also act as a lunar symbol, then they are positioned horizontally and their vertices touch. The common point of these triangles symbolically denotes death and the new moon.

In the Buddhist tradition, two interlocking triangles represent pure flame and the Three Jewels of the Buddha.

Trinity and triangle

Since the early Christians, the triangle has been a symbol of the Holy Trinity. The equilateral triangle was interpreted as the equality and single divine essence of God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. Sometimes this symbol was made up of three intertwined fish. The symbol of the Trinity, according to Catholic tradition, was composed of three small triangles inscribed in one large one with circles on the tops. These three circles mean trinity, but each circle is independent and perfect in itself. This diagram illustrated the principle of trinity and at the same time the individuality of each component of the Holy Trinity.

Seal of Solomon

The Seal of Solomon is another name for David, formed by superimposing two triangles on top of each other, i.e. hexagrams. According to legend, King Solomon used this sign to control the spirits enclosed in a copper vessel. It is believed that the Seal of Solomon is a powerful amulet that can protect its owner from the influence of evil spirits.

Kepler's triangle

At the beginning of the 17th century. The famous astronomer Kepler compiled a diagram of the conjunction of the planets Saturn and Jupiter. This is what is called in astronomy the arrangement of the planets in which for an earthly observer the ecliptic longitudes are equal to zero, and the celestial bodies themselves are close to each other or even overlap. Kepler presented this phenomenon in the form of a triangle that rotates around the zodiacal circle, completing a full revolution every 2400 years.

Triangle in ancient architecture

In the ancient tradition, a triangle with its apex facing upward symbolized the desire of matter for spirit. Therefore, the pediments of ancient Greek temples in ancient times were made triangular and decorated in every possible way. Unlike later, more northern European buildings, the presence of a gable roof was not caused by climatic conditions. Ancient Greece had a warm climate and there was no snow in winter.

Triangles on vessels

In the Neolithic era, among early agricultural peoples, triangles in ornaments symbolized air, earth and fire. They are one of the most ancient symbols associated with agricultural work, nature and its calendar cycles.

Triangulum constellation

The exact origin of the name of this constellation is unknown. It got its name in the Ancient East; Phoenician sailors knew it and used it in navigation. For them, it symbolized a sacred pyramid-shaped stone. The Triangulum was one of the 48 classical constellations of antiquity. The ancient Greeks believed that this was the Nile Delta transferred to the sky, which indicates the Egyptian roots of the name of the constellation. Already in modern times, the constellations of the Southern Triangle and the Angle were identified in the starry sky.

Eye in a triangle

The symbol, graphically representing an eye inscribed in a triangle, called the “eye of providence” or the “all-seeing eye,” appeared in Europe in the 17th century. It is believed to go back to the solar eye of Horus of the ancient Egyptians. This sign became widespread in Baroque architecture, decorating the pediments of luxurious Catholic churches. In the 19th century, it also appeared on Orthodox churches, for example, on the pediment of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Christianity viewed it as a symbol of the Holy Trinity. At the same time, this symbol was also used by Freemasons, who interpreted it as a symbol of the absolute, enlightenment and higher knowledge. For Masons, the “eye of providence” is located above the chair of the master of the lodge, in order to thus remind of the wisdom of the Creator that permeates all mysteries.

A triangle in a circle signifies the world of forms contained in the circle of eternity. The area within such a triangle is the common center of them all and is called the Plain of Truth, on which are the cause, forms and images of everything that was and what will be; they remain there in peace, which cannot be disturbed, and Eternity surrounds them; and from here time, like the stream of a fountain, flows down into the worlds (Plutarch).

Three connected triangles denote the inviolable unity of the three persons of the Trinity.

The double triangle, the six-pointed star, the Seal of Solomon, Mogun David, says that every true analogy must be used in reverse, as above, so below. It is a union of opposites, male and female, positive and negative, with the upper triangle white and the lower black, fire and water, evolution and involution, interpenetration, everything is the image of the other, hermaphrodite, the perfect balance of complementary forces, the androgynous manifestation of the deity, man peering into its own nature, the dual forces of creation, the synthesis of all elements, with the triangle facing upward as a heavenly symbol, and facing downward as an earthly symbol, and together - a symbol of man, as uniting these two worlds. As the Seal of Solomon is the image of the Preserver; it gives spiritual power over matter and is the lord of the jinn.

Two triangles lying horizontally and touching their vertices are a lunar symbol, the waxing and waning Moon, eternal return, death and life, dying and resurrection. The point of contact is the new moon and death. Alchemists have two triangles - essence and substance, forma and materia, spirit and soul, sulfur and mercury, stable and changeable, spiritual force and bodily existence.

The triangles symbolizing are:

fire (pointing up),
water (top facing downwards),
air (facing the truncated apex upward),
ground (facing the truncated top down).

The Chinese the triangle with hanging swords symbolizes restoration.

Christians An equilateral triangle or triangle formed by three intersecting circles symbolizes the Trinity in the unity and equality of its three constituent persons. Triangular radiance is an attribute of God the Father.

The Egyptians the triangle symbolizes the Triad. They compare the vertical side (of a right triangle) with a man, the horizontal with a woman, and the hypotenuse with their descendants: Osiris as the beginning, Isis as the middle or storehouse, and Horus as the completion (Plutarch). The hand of the Egyptians is the union of fire and water, man and woman. The figure of three double triangles surrounded by concentric circles symbolizes Khui, the Land of Spirits.

Among the Greeks delta symbolizes the door of life, the feminine principle, fertility.

The Indians the triangles facing up and down are Shakta and Shakti, Lingam and Yoni, Shiva and his Shakti.

Among the Pythagoreans The equilateral triangle symbolizes Athena as the goddess of wisdom.

Aztecs used the image of a triangle with the apex at the top, connected to an inverted triangle, as a symbol of the time cycle, o The Triangle combined with the cross forms the alchemical sign of Sulfur. Inverted, it means the completed Great Work.

An equilateral triangle, symbolizing, according to the Hebrew tradition, perfection, among Christians means Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Masons the triangle symbolizes the Triplicity of the cosmos, and its sides are Light, Darkness and Time (base).

The triangle seen in a dream symbolizes the mother's womb of the cosmos.

In Ancient China the triangle is a “symbol of the feminine”, but does not play a significant role in speculative reasoning. In Tibetan Tantrism, the combination of two equilateral triangles in the form of a hexagram represents “penetration of the feminine by masculine fire.”

The symbolic sign "Heart of Hrungnir" of three intertwined triangles. Viking times. Gotland Island.

In Judaism and Christianity triangle is a sign of God. The God of the Christian Trinity is sometimes represented by an eye within a triangle or a figure with a triangular halo. Alchemists used triangles with points pointing up and down to represent fire and water. More generally, linear triangles or triangle-shaped compositions can represent triads of gods or other tripartite concepts.

Magic triangle Christian Theosophists have the famous “abracadabra”, to which they attributed extraordinary properties. When used as a magical formula, the word was usually inscribed in or arranged as an inverted triangle.

San jiao fu, or "Triangle Spell", is a piece of paper on which spells are written, folded into the shape of a triangle.

Gnostic amulets were varied in shape: triangular, rectangular, fire - Tejas - red - green - triangle.

Unions - all paired oppositions, perfect circle, intersecting circles, double triangle, androgyne, trees with intertwined branches, unicorn horn, yin-yang, lingam and yoni.

The geometric symbolism of space plays an important role in architecture: all round shapes express the idea of ​​the sky, the square is the earth, the triangle symbolizes the interaction between the earth and the sky.

Vehicle or vehicle A device designed to transport people, goods or equipment installed on it on roads. Route vehicle A public vehicle: bus, trolleybus, tram, designed to transport people on roads and moving along a set route with designated stopping places.

Traffic regulations P1 3.2

Prohibiting road sign 3.2 Prohibited traffic prohibits the movement of relevant types of vehicles in both directions.

The prohibition sign does not apply

The effect of the prohibitory sign 3.2 Traffic prohibited does not apply to route vehicles.

Action prohibition sign 3.2 No movement does not apply to vehicles of federal postal service organizations that have a white diagonal stripe on the side surface on a blue background, and vehicles that serve enterprises located in the designated zone, as well as serve citizens or belong to citizens living or working in the designated zone. In these cases, vehicles must enter and exit the designated area at the intersection closest to their destination.

Effect of prohibition sign 3.2 Movement Prohibition does not apply to vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II, to vehicles transporting such disabled people or disabled children.

Road sign 3.2 No Entry is not as strict as sign 3.1 No Entry or Brick

Road sign 3.2 No movement has a white friendly background, and a noticeable red border, and in certain cases allows movement under this sign. It is obvious that the developers of the sign showed a great sense of humor by strictly naming the sign Movement Prohibition, as if any movement is prohibited and you need to freeze in place when you see the sign, but at the same time, the traffic rules themselves allowed a whole circle of drivers to enter the sign’s coverage area from the nearest intersection.

And, conversely, a sign similar in name, which is called only 3.1 Entry prohibited or Brick According to the traffic rules, no traffic in its direction is allowed for anyone, except for route transport, even for disabled people or residents of nearby houses. And, such a violation of traffic rules may result in the deprivation of a driver’s license. Therefore, the background of the sign 3.1 Brick completely red, it blends in with the red rim of the prohibitory signs. The brick is depicted on the sign in white. Obviously, this is a sand-lime brick, and not an orange one made from baked clay, because the orange color would be less noticeable against a red background.

Now, you better remember what signs 3.1 and 3.2 are called, what they look like, how they differ, which one is stricter, although they are both good.

The circle, without a doubt, is the most of all geometric figures, a symbol of wholeness, unity and totality, completeness and limitation, constancy and cyclicity, eternity and infinity. This ancient symbolism of the circle is revealed in many expressions of the Great Russian language: unity of interests cements the “circle of like-minded people”; the totality determines the “circle of communication”; the hopeless limitation in the closed integrity of being is illustrated by the “closed circle,” and the eternity and cyclical nature of time is marked by “all year round,” since “everything returns to normal.”

In mythology, the most perfect of figures can personify many cosmic objects: a golden circle (disk) represents the Sun, a silver one - the Moon, a blue one - the sky, a starry one - the bottomless space that separates the ordered Universe from chaos. The heavens, the earth, and the lower (underground) world take the perfect form of a circle. The ideal completeness of the worlds is also emphasized by the numerical characteristics, the universal numbers “3”, “7”, “9” underlying them. In Slavic myths, the Earth is surrounded by nine spherical celestial layers, but all the delights of paradise can be experienced only by finding yourself in the “seventh heaven” - the transparent bottom of the celestial ocean. Similar ideas about the structure of the heavens are characteristic of many ancient peoples of the earth. In Chinese mythology, there are also nine celestial spheres, only they are located differently - not above each other, but in a single horizontal plane. Four of them are oriented to the four cardinal directions, another four are in intermediate directions, and the ninth is in the center. Each sphere has its own color shade, and together they form a complex celestial mosaic. Having descended from heaven to earth, we find ourselves in the “circle of the earth,” divided, according to the early medieval European tradition, into three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. As for China, its ancient land management was a mirror image of the heavenly world order, since the legendary Emperor Great Yu divided the Celestial Empire into nine large regions.

The territorial division into “earth circles” was also inherited by modern cartography. To see this, just look at the educational model of the Earth, called a globe. The globe, tightly bound by the belt of the equator and two hoops of the tropics, is crowned by two round ice caps of the poles, and in addition, the globe, like an exotic fruit, is divided into many round slices by meridians and parallels. The unit of measurement for the giant circle of the earth is a small circle - a degree. On the physical map, our planet is depicted as two large circles (hemispheres), dotted with many circles indicating cities. To this should be added a huge number of symbols, presented on various maps in the form of multi-colored circles.

The complete perfection of the universe is reflected even in the dark underground depths of hell. Based on the beliefs of medieval Europeans, the great Dante depicted hell as an underground funnel-shaped abyss surrounded by nine concentric circles - ledges. In each circle, sinners experience certain torments commensurate with their earthly sins, and in the ninth circle, lying at the bottom of a monstrous abyss, Lucifer himself suffers, frozen tightly into the icy waters of Lake Cocytus. Mictlan, the hell of the Aztecs and Mayans, also consists of nine tiers, going deep into the bowels of the earth, but Naraka, hell from ancient Indian mythology, has only seven circles. Real torment begins only in the fifth circle of Naraka, where sinners are tormented by wild animals and stung by poisonous reptiles, personifying painful reproaches of conscience. In the sixth circle, the unfortunate are doomed to bathe in the underground river Vaitarani, flowing with blood, pus and sewage. Sinners receive the crown of torment in the seventh circle. There, in the pitch darkness, a deep pit burns with an inextinguishable flame, swallowing up the most notorious criminals. Martyrs - Hindus who have served their sentences - are reborn on earth, but this amnesty does not apply to those prisoners in the seventh circle of Naraka - they will have to burn in fire until the Universe itself perishes in the flames of a cosmic fire.

In religion, the symbolism of the circle is represented extremely widely. Even in prehistoric times, mysterious cromlechs were erected - giant megalithic structures made of multi-ton stone blocks, placed in a circle by no one knows who or why. The most famous of the cromlechs, Stonehenge, which has risen among the hills of South Anglia since Neolithic times, is 90 meters in diameter. According to a number of experts, cromlechs were the most ancient temples of the Sun, which simultaneously served as a calendar. Proof of this is, in particular, the main axis of Stonehenge, directed towards the point of sunrise on the day of the summer solstice. The ritual dances of many peoples of the world who dance around a sacred fire, idol or altar look like an imitation of the circular motion of the planets around a single cosmic center. The circular passage of time, cyclical renewal and rebirth is symbolized by a round dance around the evergreen New Year tree, personifying the mythical world (Cosmic) tree. Ritual food occupies a special place in the cult. In the beliefs of the pagans, the greatest honor was given to two deified cosmic objects - the Sun and the Moon, which determined their gastronomic preferences and were included in symbolic form in the holiday diet. For the Slavs, for example, pancakes, symbolizing the spring sun, became a traditional Maslenitsa dish, and for the Chinese, who preferred the night star to the daylight, the main delicacy at the Moon Festival is still round “moon” pies with the image of a moon hare, a moon frog and other lunar symbols. Christian rituals contributed to the symbolic cult menu. The allegory of the body of Christ in Catholicism was the wafer, and in Orthodoxy - a round flattened bun - prosphora. Both are used in the sacrament of communion. Having tasted such a treat, which miraculously turns into the body of Christ in the stomach, the believer thereby joins God. At least that's what the Christian Church teaches.

In ancient Eastern iconography, the circle outlines all global aspects of existence. A circle with a cross, with rays, with wings, with tongues - prominences symbolized the dynamic, life-giving energy of the Sun. A curious emblem of the sun was introduced into circulation by the Egyptian pharaoh and reformer Akhenaten: the solar disk of Aten with palms at the ends of the rays, extended above the ground in a gesture of blessing. The model of the Universe in Buddhist iconography is represented by a mandala - a sacred symbol in the form of a circle with a square inscribed in it, which in turn contains another eight-petalled circle - a yantra. The outer circle of the mandala denotes the integrity of the Universe and its boundaries, the inner circle - the feminine principle; The masculine principle is personified by the scepter - vajra - enclosed inside the yantra. The dualistic model of the world is depicted by the Chinese sign "yin - yang", symbolizing the inextricable unity of the feminine and masculine principles in nature. The active, male principle of yang is embodied in a circle of white color, but in the indicated sign it is combined with the passive, female principle of yin, transmitted in black. The black and white circle "yin - yang" is divided in half by a wavy S - shaped line, but the interpenetration of two opposite principles is evidenced by two small circles (a white circle on a black background of yin and vice versa). In Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, the vicious vicious circle of samsara plays a negative role, dragging all living beings along an endless path of suffering through a countless chain of rebirths. In Egyptian religious emblems, the hieroglyph in the form of a circle with a star in the center, indicating the Duat - the deep, dark and endless underworld, the sad abode of the dead, is filled with the most sinister meaning. In Christian iconography, the circle serves as a standard of divine and spiritual perfection. Three intersecting circles are one of the many emblems of the Trinity. Angelic triads could also be depicted in the form of three concentric circles. A round golden halo above the head of the Mother of God, an apostle, a martyr or a saint is a sign of holiness.

In magic and occultism, a mysterious magic circle, sealed from the inside with a pentagram or a simple sign of the cross, serves as a reliable mystical protection for the magician and necromancer who dares to summon a demon or the spirit of the dead. The servants of Satan and the inhabitants of the “other world”, extremely dissatisfied with being disturbed, first try to get to the daring spirit exorcist, but when they come across an invisible bastion of the enchanted circle, they inevitably take on the duties of a “goldfish”.

In astrology, the zodiac circle, consisting of 12 constellations lying in the ecliptic plane, is of paramount importance. The circle of the zodiac includes the constellations Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, each of which has received a detailed symbolic interpretation. Taken in their multifaceted relationship, these twelve fateful constellations form the basis of all astrological predictions.

The importance of knowing road signs cannot be underestimated, since they provide the driver with comprehensive information related to road traffic.

These information images indicate what is prohibited, what is allowed on a given section of the road, inform and warn the driver about the danger.

They are divided into nine groups:

  1. Warning. As the name suggests, the purpose of these types is to inform about dangers on a section of the road in order for the driver to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of themselves, passengers and pedestrians.
  2. Priority signs. Indicate to drivers the order of passage through narrow road sections and intersections.
  3. Prohibiting. Appropriate traffic restrictions are introduced and also lifted.
  4. Prescriptive. Establish mandatory driving conditions on a lane or section of road.
  5. Special instructions. Designed to organize a certain traffic mode, or cancel it.
  6. Additional Information. These are signs used in conjunction with other types, complementing or clarifying the actions of the latter.
  7. Information types.
  8. Identification varieties.
  9. Service.

Below we will look in detail at the “No Parking” type, which is classified as prohibiting, so first we will take a closer look at this broad group.

Prohibiting varieties

Outwardly, it is very simple to distinguish them - a circle with a red border on a white or blue background, which is quite difficult not to notice. This is a very large group that regulates literally all aspects of road traffic, starting from the maximum permissible speed, restrictions on the weight and types of vehicles, and ending with the ban on entry, parking and stopping of cars on various sections of the road.

It is important not only to confidently imagine what prohibitory signs look like and what exactly they prohibit, but also to understand exactly on which sections of the roadway they operate, that is, to imagine the area of ​​effect of the sign. Let's first figure out where the zone of action of the prohibiting species begins.

Regarding the lanes to which it applies, everything is also quite simple - prohibitory signs only apply to one side of the road, where they are installed.

Of course, there are exceptions to any rule. So, for example, the “Parking is prohibited” type, established at the entrance to the yard, does not apply to persons living in the house or working in an organization located here, if a detour is not provided. There are other exceptions related to the action of this sign, which will be discussed below.

This road symbol can be found very often - a blue circle with a red border, crossed diagonally by one red stripe. It is clear that it prohibits parking of vehicles on any day of the week.

But sometimes you can find it prohibiting parking, for example, only on odd days, or even days - on them one or two white stripes (vertical) are drawn inside a crossed out circle. Accordingly, one lane is crossed out - you cannot park a car only on odd days, two - on even days.

However, there are restrictions here too - the ban is valid only until the evening - until 19.00, so in order not to break the rules, before 21.00 the vehicle must be driven to the other side of the road - as a rule, a sign with a reverse restriction is installed on it.

Well, in the period from 19.00 to 21.00 you can park your car in the coverage area of ​​any sign - you will not break the rules. It should also be noted that there are categories of people who can safely ignore the “Parking Prohibited” symbol.

We will not describe in detail the rules for federal postal vehicles, for which this type does not apply - this is not relevant for us. It is much more important that cars of disabled people of groups I and II and persons transporting such disabled people can park under this graphic element without fear.

No parking or stopping sign

This type, so to speak, is closely related to the road sign we described above. The fact is that where stopping is prohibited, parking is also prohibited, but not vice versa.

You can stop in a “No Parking” zone and you won’t be fined. Let's take a brief look at how a parking lot differs from a stop.

There are no difficulties here, since this issue is covered in some detail in the traffic rules. Understanding the differences between parking and stopping is very simple.

Stopping means keeping the vehicle stationary for no more than five minutes; accordingly, if you stand longer, the actions will be classified as parking the vehicle.

But if at the same time you perform actions related to boarding/disembarking passengers, loading/unloading a car, then regardless of how much time it takes you, you will make a stop, not a parking lot, even if it lasts at least 15 minutes, at least a whole hour.

Externally, “Parking and stopping is prohibited” is very similar to the prohibitory type we described above, only it is no longer one diagonal red stripe on a blue background, but two intersecting stripes.

It also applies only to its own lane. Exceptions to which this symbol does not apply include only route vehicles. Please note that disabled people in their vehicles can no longer stop in the coverage area of ​​this element, unless, of course, a corresponding information sign is installed under it.

Area of ​​operation of the “No parking” sign

In general, its coverage area is the same as that of other prohibitory images, that is, from the installation site to the first intersection, or to the end of the populated area, if no other symbols are installed that remove the restriction.

However, there are nuances:

  • Firstly, the zone can be defined by a yellow broken marking line at the edge of the roadway: as long as it is there, parking is prohibited, and with the end of this line, the sign’s coverage area ends.
  • Secondly, at the beginning of the article it was not for nothing that we briefly mentioned other road types, in particular, signs used in conjunction with other types to clarify the action of the latter.

Thus, the coverage area signs (vertical arrows on a white rectangle), located under the sign, precisely determine its coverage area.

Thus, if under the graphic element “Parking Prohibited” you see an arrow pointing down, this means the end of the sign’s coverage area - it will be possible to leave a vehicle behind it, unless, of course, other traffic rules are violated. If the sign indicates an arrow pointing upward, this means that the coverage area will begin from the location where the sign is installed, but you can also usually see a number indicating the length of the coverage area in meters.

The direction of movement to which the sign applies is also important. A regular blue circle crossed out with a red stripe, like any other prohibiting type, only applies to the side of the road where it is installed. At the same time, remember also about the “Parking Restricted Zone” view, which is a large white rectangle with a “No Parking” sign drawn inside it - it already applies to the entire roadway.

The parking ban is also canceled by the “End of all restrictions zone” pictogram - a white circle with black stripes crossing it out. By the way, there is a similar sign for the above-mentioned “Parking Restriction Zone”.

Penalty for parking a vehicle in a “No Parking” zone

The Code of Administrative Offenses states that ignoring requirements of this type provides for a fine of 1,500 rubles. And if the offense was committed in Moscow or St. Petersburg, then the fine will already amount to 3,000 rubles.

In addition, the car can easily be sent to a penalty area. In order to receive a fine for illegal stopping or parking, by the way, it is not at all necessary to stop in the area covered by the relevant signs.

If you happen to, for example, leave your car closer than five meters to a pedestrian crossing or on it itself, then you will be given the same fines.

Compatibility with other types

We mentioned above that “No parking” can be installed in conjunction with information signs.

They are divided into a couple of groups:

To protect yourself from monetary losses caused by exorbitant fines and costs of “rescuing” a car from a parking lot, do not neglect the parking rules determined by the corresponding information symbols on the road, markings, etc.

After all, failure to comply with these requirements can cause accidents on the road, numerous casualties, and simply create traffic jams that get on your nerves when driving through a densely populated city. Therefore, do not break the rules, leave your car in the parking lot only in permitted places.

    According to one version, the sign of a circle in a triangle symbolizes the role of man in the Universe. Each of us is a small Universe.

    Another theory attributes a magical origin to the symbol. With its help, the ritual of exorcism is carried out and evil spirits are able to leave the human shell.

    In Harry Potter, one of the heroes had a pendant with such a symbol and was a symbol of the Deathly Hallows.

    The circle in the triangle is a symbol of exorcism. Such figures are drawn when it is intended to perform some magical action, prayer, or spell. And all this is aimed at driving out the devil. In general, all this is connected with black magic.

    With the help of such a magical triangle, Solomon exercised control over various Evil Spirits.

    I think that the origins of this sign lie in ancient times, namely, in the 10th century BC. At that time, King Solomon, the third in a row, ruled the kingdom of Israel.

    In addition to the triangle with a circle, there is also the hexagram of Solomon, the pentagram of Solomon and other signs.

    As for the triangle, we can say that with its help Solomon controlled the forces of evil spirits. In this case, the apex of the triangle faces the side of the world that corresponds to some spirit.

    It is noteworthy that this sign was decorated in different colors. The outline of the triangle is black, the circle inside is completely green, and the three names around it are red. The name Michael, broken down into syllables, should have been black and the background white.

    The circle-in-triangle sign appears in the Harry Potter story. It signifies three powerful forces, and is referred to as the Deathly Hallows sign. And here's what it looks like:

    And if you suddenly see someone wearing an amulet or a bracelet with a triangle inside a circle, then this is how members of the Alcoholics Anonymous community mark themselves.

    A triangle enclosed in a circle, according to Plutarch, is an expression of material forms placed in Eternity. He described the space in an equilateral triangle as a plain of truth with symbols of the past, the existing and the future.

    This sign was previously used in Christianity, and currently by Freemasons and Satanists.

    This is Solomon's magic triangle for controlling evil spirits.

    Instead of Anaphaxeton, it is sometimes written Anepheneton.

    Actually a picture from the world of black magic.

    Another meaning is the title of the book:

    And... well, you know =)

    There are quite a few meanings of a circle in a triangle, but the most important meaning is that it is associated with mysticism, namely black magic. This is the sign of Solomon, the sign of the Deathly Hallows from the book Harry Potter. But what unites them is that it is not connected with our world. For example, you can watch the film Solomon Kane, this is a fictional story, but there is some truth in it, there is also a very interesting designation in the 7th book about Harry Potter by JK Rowling.

    In geometry, this is called a circle inscribed in a triangle. Such a circle has a number of properties that are proven using theorems.

    If you dig into the wilds of esotericism, you can make a treatise on several pages about the magical power of this SYMBOL in the fight against otherworldly forces and how this symbol, depending on the spelling, affects the relationship between a person and external forces.

    The circle in triangle sign has several meanings. For example, here is one of them: The circle means the universe, and the human triangle, the circle in the triangle means that each person is a small universe. In the Harry Potter film it was a sign of the Deathly Hallows.

    This symbolism of a circle with a triangle is related to magic and mysticism.

    This symbol was first used by Solomon to drive out Evil spirits back in the 20th century BC.

    Since then, this symbol has been introduced into exercism, which we can see in films and relevant literature.