How to make a paper box with your own hands with a lid step by step? How to make a beautiful paper box with your own hands? How to make a box from A3 sheet.

Agree, the anticipation of a gift is no less pleasure than the gift itself! Ah, these sweet moments when you try to guess what is hidden inside an elegant box, impatiently untie the satin ribbons, tear off the crispy paper covers!

But gifts are pleasant not only to unwrap, but also to pack. Buying nice little things for your colleagues in advance, choosing gifts for your closest ones and whileing away the winter evenings by decorating them and signing cards is a sure way to awaken the New Year's mood if it is still dormant!

Masu box

For warm-up, we chose masu bo x - an origami box. You can even roll this up in a taxi on the way to visit: you don’t need any scissors or glue, just a couple of sheets of paper. Moreover, even those whose highest achievement in origami are paper airplanes will master the simple principle of their creation.

Notes and tips:

1. For this box, we chose thick double-sided scrapbooking paper at Leonardo (40 rubles per sheet), but this was a mistake. Firstly, the back of the paper would still end up hidden. Secondly, the paper turned out to be too thick and therefore unsuitable for origami: it did not bend well and cracked at the folds. As a result, we had to roll it from colored paper with a density of 120 g/m2 (10 rubles per A4 sheet), although a thinner one would have worked perfectly.

2. Remember that the base must be smaller than the lid! We decided that if we cut the sheet by three or four millimeters, that would be enough, but in the end, the parts of the box still turned out to be almost the same.

3. You can decorate the box (and at the same time hide extra folds on the lid) using ribbons (a set of five satin ribbons with New Year’s prints cost us about 150 rubles). Tip for perfectionists: to hide the edges, thread them through the slots in the lid (you can easily figure out where to make them) and secure from the inside with a glue stick. Be sure to loosen the tension on the bands a little so that the lid can be bent.

4. For this little experiment, I didn’t want to buy a package of filler for the boxes, so we simply cut the thin craft paper in which the bouquet was once packaged into thin strips. It turned out beautiful and environmentally friendly!

Having warmed up with origami, we decided to make a “pillow box” in which it is very convenient to put candies.

Notes and tips:

1. Before folding the box, crease along the fold lines - push them with a non-writing pen or other thin, but not sharp, object. Without this, it will be almost impossible to bend a sheet of paper along a curve. (In general, we advise you to press through all the places where future folds are made.) And another piece of advice - it’s easier not to print it out, but to draw a diagram of the box yourself. Yes, to draw a line of valves, you will have to use a handy round object, but then it can be used instead of a ruler when creasing, because this cannot be done accurately by hand.

2. The valves on one side can be pierced with a hole punch to insert the ribbon. But we don’t recommend trying to glue them together: it’s almost impossible to press the valves together for the glue to set, and besides, they already stay closed very reliably.

3. For this box we took pastel paper (16 rubles per sheet). The density of 160 g/m2 was perfect for a small box, and the velvety surface recalled the starry sky and inspired decor.

4. To decorate the box the way we did, choose the constellation you like and draw it with a white gel pen (it’s better to do this on an unfolded box). To glue the stars (again favorite “Leonardo”, RUR 72), dip a cone of toothpicks into the glue, make a dot on the paper and attach the star. We used PVA glue, but keep in mind that it does not hold synthetic materials very tightly. Secondary stars can be made from simple small sparkles (they will cost about half as much as curly ones) - also apply glue to the paper and sprinkle some fairy dust on this place.


The four-petal envelope is a beautiful, simple package that doesn't even require any glue. It rolls up easily and is great for gift certificates, CDs, pendants and other small items.

Notes and tips:

1. For this packaging we took paper with a density of about 140 g/m2, but we could have chosen thicker paper.

2. The petals can be decorated with sparkles - just run a cotton swab dipped in glue along the cut and dip the paper in them.

3. If your gift is not completely flat, then you can make “walls” a few millimeters high on the box (as in the photo above).

Paper pyramids

And finally, our favorite – paper pyramids! They look great and, despite their apparent fragility, are quite strong. The pattern for creating them is perhaps the most complex, but nothing needs to be glued or intricately bent. This box will perfectly fit a handmade chocolate candy, a flash drive, jewelry, a Christmas tree toy... Anything!

Notes and tips:

1. For the boxes - yay! – the double-sided paper that was purchased for origami was ideal. Pastel also behaved wonderfully.

2. We cut out a snowflake on the red box with a model knife, and so that it would not be visible through it what was hidden inside, we used tracing paper - we cut out a four-pointed star from it according to the size of the box and secured it with a glue stick.

3. It is convenient to make holes for the ribbon tie with a hole punch, but in the absence of one, you can cut it with a paper knife or pierce it with a needle.


In the 21st century, it is impossible not to think about saving resources and ethical treatment of nature. If your inner ecologist protests against packaging as a harmful excess, but you still want to please the recipient with a beautiful box or securely wrap a fragile gift, then you can always find a compromise solution. We have already written above that the filler for boxes can be made from old parchment. Think, maybe, instead of origami paper, you can take a beautiful magazine sheet, instead of synthetic glitter, decorate the boxes with your own drawings, and replace satin ribbons with twine or cotton lace.

There are a lot of gift design options, it all depends on your imagination and, believe me, even if it seems to you that you don’t have a single worthwhile idea, they will appear as soon as you pick up paper and scissors and start creating your first homemade box!

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An original, unforgettable holiday gift is unthinkable without gift wrapping. And all because it contains a lot of magic and is a symbol of a pleasant surprise. Wrapping paper, ribbons, colored boxes with patterns have become an indispensable attribute of the festive mood. Of course, gift wrapping can be easily purchased at a craft store, but the host of the celebration will be much more pleased if you decorate the gift with your own hands. Therefore, we will tell you. Let's try to make gift wrapping in the form of a box ourselves.

To make a paper box you may need all kinds of materials, namely:

  • Directly paper

Scrapbooking paper is best suited for handicrafts - it usually has an interesting pattern on both sides of the sheet, which will be very convenient when creating a box. Various versions of designer paper, cardboard, multi-colored sheets of paper for pastels, whatman paper, wrapping paper, etc. are also suitable.

  • Ribbons, ribbons.
  • Beads, beads, sequins.
  • Scissors, stationery knife.
  • Glue stick.
  • Glue for beads.
  • Ruler, pencil.

Before you start making crafts, it would be useful to practice on regular writing paper. This way you will “teach” your hand and understand where it is best to make folds or cut off unnecessary parts. In addition, it will be visually clear what size sheet of paper will need to be measured for the final version of the box.

You can decorate gift wrapping to your liking, but it’s still worth considering whether it will be relevant to the recipient of the gift. For example, a man is unlikely to appreciate pink ribbons and lace on a gift box.

There are a great many options for boxes, here we will look at the most popular ones - from simple cardboard ones to unusual bonbonnieres.

How to make a paper box - a classic square

You can put almost anything in such packaging: a children's toy, a box of chocolates, etc.

Alternatively, you can style the box as a postal parcel. This way, the gift will become a symbolic reminder of the bygone era of mailings, which will add some hint of romance.

But if you use colored paper with an ornament to create a craft, then the gift will “go away” with a completely different impression.

How to make a cylinder-shaped paper box

It is customary to give such boxes to ladies. Although such packaging can contain jewelry, a tie tightly twisted into a spiral, a handmade candle, etc. The paper cylinder box can later be used to store small items or jewelry. And making such a box is not at all difficult.

How to make a paper box without glue

Nowadays it has become fashionable to give gifts in a European style in elegant, unique boxes. But you can do something like this in five minutes. And for this you will need paper, sharp scissors and a little patience! Don't believe it's so easy? Then check it out!

  • Strict classic

Print out the diagram of the box and cut out a piece of wrapping paper along its contours. Fold along the contour lines, cut off the recesses for the future “lock” with scissors. Fold all the edges of the paper and close the box with a lock. Don't forget to hide a gift inside!

  • "Sweet" box

This box is ideal for packaging sweets or other sweets.

A piece of twine or thin tape will help secure the lid, for which you need to make a hole in advance.

Also cut out a blank on colored cardboard and fold it according to the diagram.

  • Case box

A small but quite expensive gift can be “wrapped” in something similar. Making a paper box in this style couldn’t be easier!

Creating a holiday is so easy! Good luck with your crafting!

A beautiful paper box is a wonderful opportunity to give our loved ones a smile and a good mood. How to make a box out of paper - you will definitely find the required gift packaging master class on this page. Our whole life consists of little things. And we have the power to tell a person how dear he is to you by giving him an exclusive handmade item. Below are cutting templates and tutorials for beautiful paper packaging.

If you don’t have much time for decor, you can simply wrap the box beautifully in gift paper.

A very beautiful box for gift wrapping in the shape of a heart. Decorations for it can be completely different, it all depends on your desire. In order to decorate such a box with your own hands, you can take a sheet of colored wrapping paper or print out music paper on a printer - the drawing is attached. If you can’t buy lace, you can crochet it yourself.

To work you will need:

  1. Any cardboard.
  2. 2 pieces of lace.
  3. PVA glue or glue gun.
  4. Pencil, ruler, scissors.
  5. A small piece of tape to secure the lid.
  6. Colored paper - packaging or printed on a printer.
  7. Beads, ribbons for decoration.

First we need to make two hearts out of cardboard. To keep the workpieces neat, it is better to do this with a compass and ruler. These are blanks for the bottom of the box and for the lid. The size can be whatever you need. You can make a box 15/15 cm, or you can make it smaller. You should end up with 2 larger hearts made from cardboard and 2 hearts made from colored paper to decorate the inside.

Next, bend the strips 2 cm and draw a line with your fingernail. Then, on the curved part, cut out the teeth with scissors. This is necessary so that the strip can be glued to the bottom of the box. Apply glue to a strip on the bottom, stepping back a little from the edge.

Then we apply a strip to the bottom with the teeth facing inward. Please note that we are retreating 0.5 cm from the edge. It may be convenient for someone to apply glue directly to the cloves - this is also an option.

This is how we glue the second strip of cardboard.

Then, glue 2 pieces of tape to the sides of the box. The tape will connect the box to the lid.

We also glue the tape to the lid of the box.

We cover the sides with colored paper on the outside and inside.

Colored paper for boxes and gifts can be made using a printer:

You can make an amazing box decorated with a flower made of chiffon or nylon with your own hands in a couple of hours. The box must be covered with colored paper or paper printed on a printer. The main decoration of this packaging is a handmade chiffon flower. The master class will help you understand the work.

To work you will need:

  1. Cardboard for the box (you can use a juice or milk box).
  2. Chiffon or nylon ribbon 25-30 cm long.
  3. Satin ribbon (optional).
  4. A few beads or buttons.
  5. Nail polish.
  6. Glitter.
  7. Glue or glue gun.
  8. Ruler, pencil, scissors.

We take cardboard and draw a diagram of the box. The sides must be equal, choose the size yourself.

Pay attention to details E, C, D, B and A - here the drawing is enlarged by 1 cm, these sections must be coated with glue and a box must be formed. Draw on cardboard and cut it out. We apply this stencil to colored or printed paper. We trace and cut out too. Bend the cardboard along the lines. Glue cardboard and colored paper together. We bend our workpiece and glue it together. To avoid gluing the parts together, you can print the design directly on cardboard.

Cut the chiffon into circles of different sizes.

We singe the edges of the chiffon over a candle or lighter.

We glue the petals together, or stitch them through with thread. Sew a button or bead into the center.

Glue on glitter. You can take a Christmas tree decoration and scrape off the glitter with a knife.

We treat the edges of the flower with nail polish or decoupage glue.

You can also hang a tag on a cord. There is no shame in giving such a handmade box.

Box templates

We hope you find the templates useful for folding gift wrapping.

Paper boxes are a great way to decorate gifts with your own hands, create original packaging for storing household items, and also a great opportunity to bring creative impulses to life.

A big plus is that you can start training on plain paper or unnecessary thick cardboard, after which you can move on to making beautiful boxes from special paper.

To make your own gift box neat and attractive, it would be a good idea to take the advice of professionals and follow the step-by-step instructions with photographs and diagrams that can be found in our material.

Method No. 1: Square origami box

Beautiful and easy to make - this is how the first homemade box should be. This is exactly how it will turn out if you do it according to these simple instructions. In this case, the origami style is used.

Popular articles:

  1. Colored or wrapping paper for gifts;
  2. Scissors;
  3. Ruler;
  4. Pencil;
  5. Decorations optional - satin, velvet or lace ribbon, voluminous applique, flower bud.

How to make a box:

To make gift wrapping easy, it will come in handy step by step instructions with photos. In order to make a beautiful box, you need to take care of creating the lid and the main part in the same style. The top can be presentable, bright or playful. The bottom can be made from plain paper in a color that suits the style.

  • You should start by creating a lid for the box. You will need square paper for this. The sizes can be anything - depending on the author’s idea. In this case, the square will be 21.5x21.5 cm. You need to draw a square of paper diagonally to make a cross, as in the photo below.
  • The bottom corner must be bent so that it lies at the central point of intersection of the drawn lines. You can navigate by the photo. Then you need to bend the resulting fold again, but this time so that its edge exactly coincides with the drawn strip. The folds must be smoothed out well so that they are imprinted on the paper. You can use the body of a pencil. After this, we bend the square back, keeping on the paper the folds necessary for further work.

  • We repeat these steps for the three remaining corners, resulting in a finished square with a grid of folds we need. After this, we cut two side parts on both sides, which now look like houses.

  • We do the next step according to the photographs: we fold the lid of the future box.

  • After this, you can begin to make the base of the box. To create it, you will need a square of paper 3 mm smaller than the previous one. In our case - 21.2x21.2 cm. The bottom is folded in the same way as the lid. The result is a beautiful box that can be decorated with ribbon, applique, or flower.
  • The inner ends can be glued on the inside with double tape.

We learned how to make a box out of paper, but there are also more reliable materials for such an important product as gift wrapping.

For clarity, you can watch a video where the box is also made in origami style:

Method No. 2: Rectangular box made of thick paper

Plain paper is good, but a gift box made from this will not always be a good idea if its purpose is to keep a heavier gift intact. For the next craft, you will need thick paper - that is, cardboard.

To make the box you will need:

  1. Cardboard;
  2. Double-sided tape/glue;
  3. Scissors;
  4. Pencil;
  5. Ruler;
  6. Decorative decorations.

How to make a box:

  • First you need to print and cut out the template. If this is not possible, you can redraw it on your thick paper, taking into account the required dimensions. The main thing is to maintain proportions.


  • Having cut out the future box from cardboard, you need to bend all the ends in the places marked with a dotted line. Since the paper is thick, you can help draw the fold lines with an object with a sharp end (pencil, nail file, screwdriver).
  • Now that the silhouette of the gift box has already appeared, you need to stick double-sided tape or apply glue to the places where the edges of the paper should meet - that is, on the sides, as in the photo. Then all that remains is to fold the cardboard into a finished box and, if desired, decorate the product with stamps, appliqués, ribbons, and inscriptions.

Method No. 3: Triangular cake box

From paper and cardboard you can make not only simple square and rectangular boxes, but also gift and packaging products of very original shapes. Step-by-step photographs will help you understand the manufacturing process faster.

As in the previous case, making this box will greatly facilitate the work of a ready-made template. The edges of the lid can be wavy, which is associated with cream, or straight. You can choose the colors of the paper at your discretion, the main thing is that everything looks harmonious together. The dimensions of the future box can be anything, the main thing is that the bottom template is 3 mm smaller than the lid template.

To make the box you will need:

  1. Cardboard or thick paper;
  2. Glue;
  3. Scissors;
  4. Pencil;
  5. Ruler;
  6. Decorative decorations - optional.

How to make a box:

Advice: For the first time, you should try to make this box from plain paper to understand the manufacturing principle, and only then proceed to the original on more expensive paper.


Box lid template with straight edges. Box lid template with wavy edges. Template for the base of the “cake” box.

Important: Be sure to check the template sizes, these examples may not fit each other in size. The dimensions of the base template should be slightly smaller than the dimensions of the lid template.

  • We draw a template for the lid and the base of the box on two separate sheets. Cut out blanks from paper.
    If this is the final version of the product, and you want to work with cardboard, then you need to attach paper templates to the cardboard and outline the edges, mark the dotted lines of the folds, and then cut out the components of the box.

  • Then you need to make even folds on the cardboard in the dotted areas. You can help yourself with a ruler and a pointed object.

  • Now all that remains is to seal the future top and bottom of the box at the joints - on the folds.

  • Finally, you can decorate the product with ribbon, applique, beads, and flowers.

Video tutorial: How to make a paper box

To inspire creators with new ideas for creating these wonderful additions to any gift, you can watch several master classes from professionals. In them you can learn how to quickly and easily do it yourself case box, round box-box And box-book.

To make such a simple paper box, you don't need any glue or scissors. Just a piece of paper and your skill. The paper can be either thin or thick, square or rectangular. If you want to make a large box, take a large sheet of A3, A2 or A1. If the paper is too thin, fold it in half or even 4 times.

How to make a simple paper box using the origami technique:

1. A sheet of paper must be visually divided into 3 parts. It is desirable that all 3 parts are the same. Bend the paper as shown in the picture.

2. Bend the side parts in half, left and right.
We obtain such a part as shown in Fig. 4.

5. Bend the corners. Please note that on one side the corner should be made of double paper, on the other side it should be made of single paper.
You should get 8 bent corners. 4 on one side and 4 corners on the other side. The process is shown in detail in Figures 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

10. Straighten the resulting part symmetrically relative to the center.

12. We look into the resulting pocket and straighten it into a box shape. This is the most important stage in the work.

13. We make folds with our hands in all corners of the box to give rigidity to the structure.

14. This is what a finished simple origami box looks like. A4 box size: 10 cm x 10.5 cm.

Depending on the original paper size, the boxes may be larger or smaller. They can also be narrow or wide. The narrower and longer the sheet of paper, the narrower the box will be. Now you know how to make a paper box with your own hands in just 5 minutes.

Having learned how to make boxes, you can move on to boxes made of thick paper and even thin cardboard. The finished box can be painted with gouache or covered with multi-colored paper. From the boxes you can make boxes for children’s “jewels”, cribs for small dolls, original vases for cookies, store buttons, or change from pockets..

If you are busy sewing, cutting paper, and you need a temporary trash can, you can very quickly, whip up, create a trash container from a sheet of paper.

The boxes can be used as disposable tableware at a picnic, in the car, they can be made from literally anything you can get your hands on, even newspaper or napkins.