Ground and dried coffee as fertilizer for indoor plants and flowers. We use coffee grounds as fertilizer How to use coffee grounds for plants

You can find many useful components in coffee beans, such as vitamins, microelements, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and proteins of plant origin. During the process of brewing an aromatic drink, most of the beneficial substances listed above are transferred to the drink, but a certain amount remains in the coffee grounds. Due to this, such raw materials are often used as a fertilizer of natural origin, which can be used when feeding indoor flowers.

The beneficial properties are due to the presence of a huge amount of nutrients in coffee beans. The use of coffee cake as a fertilizer will help make the soil more loose and therefore moisture-permeable, and increase the existing acidity of the soil. The raw material contains up to 1.5% nitrogen, which is comparable to aged grass. The pH of the material is closer to neutral, however, the slight sourness does not go away. The acid will be washed out during the preparation of the aromatic drink and will not reach the soil. Coffee grounds should rightfully be called a source of nitrogen and phosphorus trace elements. In addition, the plant contains magnesium and calcium, which indoor plants so need. You can also find in the grains:

PotassiumMakes flowers and seedlings frost-resistant. Experienced observations have proven that the use of coffee grounds improves protection against pests and allows the plant to survive frost.
CalciumPromotes the normal development of young roots, feeding the rhizomes with all the necessary micronutrients. Has a positive effect on the condition of foliage and stems.
Nitrogen compoundsUsed for active development and growth of plants.
PhosphorusPromotes accelerated formation of the ovary. It has a positive effect on the process of flowering and development of the root system. Helps fruits and flowers ripen.

In addition, coffee grounds contain microelements such as carbohydrates, iron and copper. Among the beneficial qualities of the cake, it should be noted:

  1. Repelling small pests. The aroma that coffee grounds emit repels not only the fruit fly, but also other harmful insects.
  2. Improved aeration rate. After adding coffee residues, the penetration of oxygen to the roots is faster due to loosening the soil located near the plant.
  3. It is worth noting the ability of the material to increase the existing acidity of the soil. This indicator is important for those plants that prefer to grow in acidic soil.

Possibility of use

Dried coffee belongs to the category of natural fertilizers. In terms of the speed of impact on the soil and root system of plants, coffee grounds are inferior to chemical analogues. The raw materials will release nutrients gradually, favorably affecting the plants for a long time.

It should be noted that long-term use of coffee cake will lead to the loss of the need to use artificial fertilizers, which the plants will no longer need.

Benefits of the product:

  • repelling insects;
  • earthworms are not averse to feasting on aromatic fertilizer;
  • promotes the proper development of young shoots;
  • the root system absorbs fertilizer of this type better than artificial analogues;
  • unforgettable aroma;
  • nourishes the soil with all the microelements necessary for plants;
  • improving soil quality;
  • increased breathability.

Possible harm:

  • Excessive application of grounds can cause the formation of fungi;
  • the pH content changes with the application of fertilizers, which will appeal to conifers and flowers;
  • An excess of nitrogen can damage the roots of the plant, which will lead to its death.

Abroad, on farms for growing Californian worms, it is the cake from coffee machines that is used as food. The result is environmentally friendly and rich biological raw materials.

Collection of grounds

To begin with, you should pay attention to the fact that with the onset of cold weather, the amount and frequency of fertilizers applied to the soil of indoor flowers is sharply reduced. This is done because they simply do not need them, since they will be in the resting stage. This time is used to collect and prepare fertilizers, which will be useful with the onset of the first days of spring. Collecting cake from processed coffee is easy, but you must ensure that mold does not form. For this:

  1. The raw materials are placed in a sterile and pre-dried container made of polyethylene or glass.
  2. To dry the material, use an oven or plain paper, on the surface of which the collected raw materials are folded and left alone for a while.
  3. The liquid is drained from the material using a strainer.

This method is useful for apartment residents. Drying coffee grounds before storage is easier for residents of private sectors. At every dacha, a self-respecting florist or gardener makes a compost pit into which the cake is drained. If it is not possible to go outside every time, then you should use the first method used for storing fertilizers.

Coffee grounds compost

The nitrogenous components contained in the prepared raw materials do not immediately reach the roots of indoor plants. To release the entire reserve, the help of microorganisms will be needed. To speed up the process, it is preferable to use compost pits, which are overflowing with beneficial microorganisms. The procurement of raw materials should be done in advance. After two months of dormancy, coffee grounds can be used as an all-purpose fertilizer. When creating a compost pit, the starting material is laid in the following layers:

  • branches that will be assigned the function of the drainage system;
  • straw or some hay;
  • cow or horse manure (if available);
  • chopped green grass;
  • a mass based on soil from the garden and ground grains (crushed);
  • animal manure;
  • a layer of mown grass;
  • mass of grains and soil;
  • animal dung.

The humidity level should reach 65%. EM preparations can improve the overall quality of the resulting compost.

Supplements based on coffee grounds

Coffee beans contain a huge amount of antioxidants, which are valuable for indoor plants. The raw materials obtained in advance should be used as the main fertilizer. The material has a particularly beneficial effect on garden crops, fruits, hydrangeas, camellias, rhododendrons and azaleas. It is used as a means to increase productivity and abundance of flowering. For collection, only the cake that was previously used to prepare the aromatic drink is used. The amount of nutrients directly depends on the type of roasting of the grains and the variety. Freshly ground grains will bring much more benefits compared to spun material. In the case of fertilizers for indoor crops, the material is mixed with the soil mixture.

Fresh grains are characterized by increased acidity, which will allow the soil to oxidize. During the preparation of the drink, most of the acid remains in the cup, so the grounds may become neutral in acidity. This type of fertilizer can be applied to any type of soil. When using raw materials when fertilizing indoor plants, no additional manipulations with the grounds should be carried out. After drinking the drink and preparing the raw material, it is mixed with the soil in the pot. The soil enriched with material becomes lighter, which promotes improved oxygen circulation. If the plant needs an acidic environment, then the acidity increases when watered with unsettled or hard water. Such fertilizers are actively used for deciduous and ornamental crops. In the presence of flavorings, the use of fertilizers is considered unacceptable.

Cake used for seedlings

Seeds need light soil for accelerated germination, since it is extremely difficult for young shoots to break through heavy layers of soil, which affects the further development of the crop. The use of coffee grounds helps improve air permeability, making the soil mixture suitable for growing seedlings, saturating the sprouts with useful substances. Before use, the earth is sifted, removing debris, weeds and other foreign elements. After this, the earth is mixed with the cake. The seedlings will be strong and will grow quickly. Light soil dries faster than heavy soil, so you should check the moisture content more often and avoid possible overdrying of the soil.

Experienced gardeners and flower growers add a little coffee cake to the container with seedlings. It is also possible to add material directly to a hole previously prepared for planting. When mixing small seeds of greens and carrots with coffee grounds, it will be possible to eliminate frequent sowing by distributing the seeds over a designated area. Thinning of seedlings is not required. The caffeine remaining in the material has a beneficial effect on the speed of seedling development, eliminating the sickness of young growth.

Application of grounds

There are many uses for coffee grounds. However, you should focus on the size of the container chosen for the plant. Compliance with strict dosage is the key to longevity and abundant flowering of indoor plants. An example is a fertilization method in which a small amount of material is diluted in water, which is then used to irrigate and wet the root system. You should not place large quantities of coffee residues in containers for flowers, as a specific plug may form that will not allow the roots to receive the necessary oxygen. A small amount of fertilizer is placed at the bottom of the pot or added to the soil, which is thoroughly mixed.

Leftover natural ground coffee can be used as an all-purpose fertilizer and applied to flower pots as needed. Vegetable crops using coffee grounds become sweet. An example would be carrots and tomatoes. If the rules regarding the storage of fertilizers are not followed, mold will form on their surface, which is destructive for all crops without exception.

It should be noted that the aroma of coffee will not appeal to slugs and ants, which are considered the most common pests of indoor and garden crops. Only brewed coffee should not be added, since the material must first be dried. Otherwise you should expect mold to form.

Sleeping coffee grounds in crop production

The remains of coffee grounds are used in various fields, not only in floriculture. In plant growing, coffee grounds are used as:

  1. When diluting the mass with 1 liter of clean water, you can feed the root system on a regular basis;
  2. It can be used as a drainage layer, provided that the raw materials are placed at the bottom of the flower container;
  3. When transplanting and planting plants, the grounds are added to the prepared mixture in a ratio of 10%.

Cake is used as a nutritional supplement for adding to flower pots:

  • 1/3 chopped leaves;
  • 1/3 straw, also chopped;
  • 1/3 coffee mass.

The mixed composition is left alone for a while to allow the mass to rot. To do this, use a tank or large pan in which soil is placed on top of the coffee. Several holes (holes) should be made in the total mass. After four weeks, the mass is ready for further use. Coffee grounds are not used as a mulch layer, since over time the mass will turn into a dense crust, which will impede air exchange and disrupt the flow of nutrients into the root system. When using the mass as fertilizer for indoor plants, the prepared material is mixed with soil, which will not only serve as an excellent nutritional complex, but will also lighten the clay masses, which become looser when mixed with similar materials.

Thanks to the nutrients contained in the material, the growth and development of plants is stimulated. Also, proper use of compost will improve the quality of young growth and shoots. Such soil compositions require abundant watering, which will eliminate the nitrogen contained in the containers. When using coffee as the main fertilizer, you can get an unusual effect in the form of a change in the usual color of the buds. In this way, many breeders obtain new varieties. If there is no need for such experiments, the grounds are diluted with water.

Other uses for coffee grounds

The use of the remains of an aromatic drink can not only benefit the root system of indoor plants by enriching them with nutrients, but also protect them from some pests. The smell of coffee repels many insects, including:

  • snails;
  • slugs;
  • ants.

With the help of such raw materials, you can cheaply and easily protect plants even at the planting stage. The substance is also used as a prophylactic agent. For orchards, such a storehouse of nutritional components is a godsend. If there is clay soil in the area, the grounds will help make it lighter, allowing the root system to receive more oxygen and water. The soil enriched in this way needs regular loosening. The aroma of coffee also attracts beneficial bugs, including earthworms. They help process compost, loosen the contents of the hole and promote its rapid ripening. Cats, with rare exceptions, do not tolerate the smell of coffee well, which will help to wean your pet from fertilizing the pots on its own.

For which plants will the grounds be useful?

Using coffee grounds is considered a budget-friendly way to effectively fertilize indoor plants. It is almost impossible to harm flowers in this way, which makes it possible for beginners and amateurs to use self-made compositions. The following plants perceive such fertilizing better than others:

  • shrubs (ornamental);
  • ferns;
  • azaleas;
  • begonias;
  • roses.

Coffee cake also has a positive effect on vegetable crops that can be grown in apartment conditions. Among them:

  • peas;
  • beans;
  • radish;
  • tomato;
  • pepper;
  • carrot.

It is enough to scatter the material near the plants, directly on the ground. After abundant watering, active enrichment of the soil and root system will begin. Fertilizer is applied with the onset of spring, and several times throughout the year.

As a result: how to avoid mistakes

Most housewives do not even suspect that the remains of their favorite aromatic drink can be used as fertilizer for equally beloved indoor plants. The use of such raw materials will not only help you save money, but is also extremely effective. However, to achieve optimal results, you should adhere to some recommendations and dosages:

  1. This type of fertilizer is not suitable for every type of indoor plant. Please check compatibility before use. Otherwise, fertilizing will not benefit the flower.
  2. Pure coffee residues should not be poured on top of the soil mixture. After compression, which occurs over time, an airtight layer is formed.
  3. When adding spices or milk to a coffee drink, the use of cake is considered impossible, since the development of harmful microorganisms is possible.
  4. Instant coffee cannot be used as fertilizer, since the acidity of the drink is incredibly high, which will destroy most indoor plants.
  5. You should not simply pour the remains into the pot, as the material must dry out.
  6. The cake should be added in small quantities or it will begin to suppress the flower.
  7. Enough time should pass between waterings so that the top layer has time to dry completely. So, midges will not appear in the house.
  8. With the help of cake, it is not possible to fully replace the mineral or organic fertilizers that plants need.

For succulents and cacti, you should choose a different method of fertilization, since coffee is not suitable for them. You can apply fertilizer infused with water no more than once a month. 50 ml of the composition per 5 liter pot is enough. The grounds are poured over the soil mixture, after which everything is carefully mixed. The fertilizer showed itself to be extremely effective when interacting with violets and asparagus. These species accept magnesium and nitrogen supplements well, and they also like light soil.

Coffee grounds should be used carefully, but do not be afraid to experiment, because this type of fertilizer can change the color of the buds, which can give the most unpredictable results. The composition of the fertilizer is rich in nutrients, but it should be used wisely.

Interesting! Abroad, restaurants and cafes display the remaining coffee extracted from coffee machines on a separate table with a special mark “for fertilizers”. You can take several such packages at the same time, provided that you are a visitor to the establishment.

And finally, some video information about the benefits of coffee in indoor floriculture:

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Lovers of the coffee drink most often throw away the grounds left after preparing it. But vegetable growers who prefer to use organic matter in their beds claim that it can be used as a good, effective fertilizer and protective agent against some pests. Let's look at the benefits of coffee grounds as a fertilizer for the garden and how to use them correctly.

The composition of natural coffee changes after brewing; caffeine, organic acids, tannin pass into the water, but most of the beneficial compounds that can be used by plants remain in the grounds. These are nitrogen substances (up to 2%) and minerals (potassium, magnesium phosphorus, iron and calcium), B vitamins, residues of caffeine and its derivatives (up to 6%).

The reasons for using coffee as a fertilizer for plants are as follows:

  • nitrogen in it is in the form that is most preferable for absorption;
  • coffee grounds are acidic, so they acidify alkaline soil (this is especially important for indoor flowers);
  • disinfects the soil from pathogens and pests, this is explained by the action of alkaloids;
  • makes the soil loose and light;
  • coffee can be used to feed seedlings;
  • it repels pests, such as fruit flies;
  • promotes the accumulation of sugar in fruits, makes them juicy, more tasty, and increases shelf life;
  • eliminates the accumulation of nitrates in plant products, which makes them environmentally friendly;
  • becomes a good substrate for worms and soil-structuring microorganisms;
  • it can be used as a component for compost, which speeds up its maturation.

Garden and indoor flowers, such as lilies, roses and begonias, respond especially well to fertilizing grounds; garden crops can also be fertilized with it. But, despite all the benefits of coffee for many plants, it is not recommended to add it in large quantities to vegetables that do not grow well in acidic soil.

Preparation and storage rules

Waste from a coffee machine, grounds remaining in the Turk after brewing, and spent coffee are suitable as fertilizer. The grounds need to be rinsed with water to remove any remaining sugar or milk, which can cause them to become moldy, and simply pour them under the plants if you need to use them immediately.

If you need to prepare it for future use, then it must be washed, squeezed and dried, then put into glass jars and placed in a dark and dry place in which they will be stored.

How to use coffee grounds

If you need to use coffee for feeding, then it is laid out on the surface of the ground around the plants and watered. For example, for legumes per square meter. m take 5-10 g of grounds. After drying, the soil needs to be loosened so that there is no crust on it and air flows to the roots. When planting seedlings, a small amount of grounds can be placed in the holes and mixed with soil. To feed vegetable seedlings, prepare a solution from sleeping coffee: pour 1 glass of hot water in a volume of 3 liters, leave to steep for 5 days, then strain.

In addition to using coffee grounds in the garden, they can be used for fertilizing, mulching the soil surface and controlling pests of indoor flowers.

Coffee grounds compost

In addition to using coffee grounds as an organic fertilizer, they can be used as a component of compost, which attracts earthworms. It is placed in a hole along with mowed grass, manure, leaves, tops, other plant residues from the garden, and food waste. It is important to remember that the proportion of grounds in the compost should not exceed 20%. After adding all the components, they need to be mixed and moistened. The ripening period for such compost is 1.5 months. The first 3-5 weeks it needs to be watered so that it does not dry out.


Coffee grounds can be a good mulching material that will protect the soil from drying out. When laying coffee cake, you need to make sure that the layer is not too thick and does not dry out into a crust, which will prevent the penetration of air and moisture to the roots. This problem can be solved by mixing the grounds with hay dust or fresh sawdust.

Coffee from pests in the garden

Coffee cake has another attractive property for gardeners - added to the soil or spread on it, it can repel pests such as ants, slugs, carrot flies, etc. The effect is achieved due to the coffee aroma, which these insects do not like. You can use wet grounds against ants in the garden (water the anthill or insect paths with it), and dry grounds against slugs (sprinkle them around the plants).

There is evidence that coffee can also be used against wasps that harm grapes. To do this, the grounds need to be dried, mixed with saltpeter in a ratio of 20-30 to 1 and set on fire near the plants. The berries will not be damaged by this treatment, and the wasps will not touch them for about 2 weeks.

For flowers and seedlings

Coffee is a good fertilizer for flowers growing in garden beds and indoors. Roses - tea and climbing roses, hydrangeas - respond positively to it. After adding the grounds, they lay more buds, begin to bloom more profusely, the flowers become larger, more magnificent, and acquire a more saturated color.

Using coffee grounds for indoor plants may be advisable if you need to acidify the soil and fertilize crops that prefer an acidic soil reaction. It can be applied under azaleas, fuchsias, anthuriums, and ferns.

Coffee in small quantities can be added to the substrate for vegetable seedlings, this will make it more permeable to moisture and air, loose, and structured.

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Coffee beans contain many beneficial substances. These are plant proteins, magnesium, potassium and other trace elements. During brewing, some of the substances pass into the drink, but a significant part remains in the coffee grounds.

Its beneficial properties are used in various fields, for example, cosmetology, housekeeping, and crop production.

Article outline

Using coffee grounds for plants

Used coffee is not a chemical fertilizer, so you should not expect instant results. The grounds will slowly release the beneficial substances they contain, improving the condition of both plants and soil. If you regularly use coffee grounds as fertilizer, you can completely stop buying chemicals.

Coffee grounds have a number of useful properties:

  • Improves soil structure;
  • Contains many substances necessary for plant development;
  • Repels some pests;
  • The smell of coffee attracts earthworms;
  • Stimulates young plants.

Please note that freshly ground coffee has a very high nitrogen content, which can burn the roots of the plant.. In addition, coffee is highly acidic and can change the acidity of the soil. This is not favorable for most plants except acidophiles such as azaleas and rhododendrons. After brewing, the acidity of coffee decreases, so the remaining coffee grounds can be added to the ground without fear of harming the plants.

If you add coffee grounds to plants immediately after preparation, without drying them, there is a high probability of mold and fungal diseases developing. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to dry the cake in the oven or on a sheet of paper.

Coffee waste is successfully used on Californian worm farms. Worms readily eat cake, processing it into valuable organic fertilizer.

Dried coffee waste can be added to the compost bin. The nitrogen it contains will accelerate the maturation of the compost and enrich it with magnesium. To put it in the hole, mix: a bucket of dry grass, a glass of chicken manure, two glasses of ash and a liter jar of coffee grounds. During ripening, the compost must be protected from precipitation.

Coffee cake for seedlings

Light soil is necessary for seed germination, because in heavy soil it is more difficult for thin young roots to develop. Coffee grounds are very breathable and can improve any type of soil, as well as add microelements necessary for seedlings.

To prepare nutritious soil, the ground is thoroughly cleaned of large clay lumps and debris. The prepared coffee grounds are added to the mixture with soil in equal proportions and mixed thoroughly. Seeds in such soil germinate faster, seedlings are stronger. It should be borne in mind that light soils dry out faster, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the soil moisture and avoid overdrying, which is detrimental to plants.

It is convenient to add coffee grounds to the seeds when sowing, especially for small ones, such as carrots and parsley. Thanks to coffee cake, the seeds are distributed more evenly throughout the garden bed. The method avoids too frequent sowing and saves seeds and time when thinning seedlings.

It is believed that the caffeine contained in the waste stimulates seed germination and promotes the development of healthier seedlings.

Use in the garden

It is not recommended to use pure cake for mulching, as this can lead to the formation of a crust, which will significantly impede the penetration of oxygen to the roots of plants. To avoid this, coffee waste is mixed with cut dry grass or compost in equal parts.

Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers

Effectively used for growing seedlings. The grounds are added to the soil during cultivation, and also added to the planting hole when planting in a permanent place. By adding used coffee, the seedlings receive both fertilizer and protection from many pests.

It is known that ants often eat the young cotyledon leaves of cucumbers, after which replanting is required, since the plant will not develop further. Coffee residues, evenly scattered around the root area, will help protect the plant from pests.

Tomatoes and peppers respond well to nitrogen fertilizers, but for better fruiting they need potassium. To prevent microelement deficiency, it is recommended to add a little wood ash when adding coffee residues. Spreading a thin layer of coffee grounds will protect the tomatoes from slugs and snails.

Radishes, beets, potatoes

Using fertilizers from coffee grounds allows you to get an excellent harvest of root crops. The potassium and magnesium it contains will improve the taste of the fruit and increase the immunity of plants.

Adding it to the soil before planting will help protect the crop from mice. Voles really don't like its smell. The product is applied during digging, evenly distributed over the bed.

Gardeners say that using coffee waste for root crops produces high-quality products without resorting to chemicals. Experimental plantings showed that in beds that were fertilized with coffee grounds, the number of fruits spoiled by wireworms was significantly lower than in others.


Fertilizing with coffee grounds can prevent deficiency of a microelement such as magnesium. During the fruiting process, strawberries' need for this substance increases significantly, so magnesium supplements are very important for the plant.

Slugs cause serious damage to the strawberry crop. To combat them, it is undesirable to use chemicals, since the berries will have to be treated when they are already ripe and the chemicals will not have time to leave the plant. Coffee grounds applied in a thin layer around the plant will repel pests, in addition, the strawberries will receive nitrogen fertilization throughout the season.

Green crops

All crops that are grown for their green leaves consume a lot of nitrogen during development. If there is not enough nitrogen, the leaves will be small and the plant will begin to hurt. Coffee grounds contain a lot of nitrogen, which plants easily absorb, and there is no danger of overdosing fertilizers, unlike chemicals.


To grow onions, the use of nitrogen fertilizers is mandatory; onions will not grow on poor soils. When choosing between natural organic fertilizer and a chemical product, you need to consider the following.

Onions grown with organic fertilizer will never be as large as those grown with chemical fertilizers. But it is much better stored, less susceptible to fungal diseases, and does not contain harmful chemical compounds.

To add the required amount of nitrogen, it is necessary to add 1 - 2 cups of coffee cake per 1 square meter before planting. m. After this, carefully dig up the area.

Using coffee grounds for flowers

Coffee residues are successfully used in flower beds to solve several problems. Coffee waste is suitable for both fertilization and soil improvement and pest control. In order to improve the soil, coffee grounds are mixed with sand. To prepare the mixture, take one part coffee to two parts sand.

In order to protect flowers from pests, a solution with coffee grounds is sprayed on the plants, and the dry substance is dug into the ground. It is undesirable to simply scatter the cake near the stem of the flower; it can create an airtight crust.

Coffee grounds are used in the rose garden for various purposes. Spraying with diluted coffee grounds helps protect the flower garden from ants, snails, and midges. The smell of coffee disorients flying insects, such as the bronze fly, which eats up the buds, and significantly impairs the decorative appearance of flowers. After processing the coffee, the rose becomes less attractive to them.

Adding grounds to the soil makes it lighter and facilitates the flow of air to the roots. The rose receives essential nutrients such as magnesium and phosphorus, as well as vital nitrogen. The stimulants contained in coffee promote the growth of basal shoots.

Using coffee for roses has an unusual effect - the shade of the flower changes slightly. For example, pink flowers may acquire a purple tint, while white flowers may acquire a slight blue tint.

Peonies, lilies, hostas, tulips

Using coffee waste for these plants helps speed up and prolong flowering and achieve a more saturated color of the buds. In variegated hosta species, the contrast of leaf color increases and the decorativeness of the plant increases.

Fertilizer is applied in April - March, focusing on the appearance of shoots. Repeat application every two to three weeks until the end of the warm season. In addition to mineral nutrition, coffee will protect plants from slugs, which readily eat young shoots and bulbs.

Indoor flowers

Many housewives find it very convenient to use waste after brewing coffee to care for indoor plants. Indeed, the use of coffee grounds is safe, effective and economical, but it must be used correctly so that the use of the product does not lead to disappointment. For best results, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. The top layer of soil should have time to dry between waterings, this will help prevent midges from appearing in the house;
  2. You cannot simply pour coffee out of a cup; the coffee grounds must dry out;
  3. Do not water plants with instant coffee; too high acidity can destroy the plant;
  4. You should not use cake if milk has been added to the coffee, as it is an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms;
  5. It is not recommended to pour clean cake onto the surface of the soil; over time it will compress and form an airtight layer.

It should also be taken into account that not all plants are suitable for feeding with coffee grounds. When fertilizing cacti and succulents, it is better to choose other, more suitable sources of nutrients.

The fertilizer is perfect for feeding indoor roses, ferns, ficus, and palm trees. Coffee waste is added no more than once a month, no more than 2 tablespoons of dry matter per 5 liter pot. Coffee is scattered over the surface of the soil and gently mixed with the soil.

It is very effective to use coffee waste as fertilizer for popular indoor plants such as asparagus and violets. Plants respond well to nitrogen and magnesium fertilizing and love light soil.

Some plants prefer acidic soils. For acidophilic plants such as azaleas and heathers, it is possible to add uncooked ground coffee to the soil mixture when planting. Coffee will acidify the soil and provide plants with the substances necessary for full development.

How to use leftover coffee for indoor plants

Coffee grounds for shrubs

The use of coffee cake as a top dressing is suitable for all shrubs, but cranberries and lingonberries are especially responsive to it. Fertilizer is applied in early spring; one bush will need 2–3 cups. The thicket is scattered evenly around the bush, then carefully dug up.

When planting young seedlings, add 3-4 cups of coffee grounds to the planting hole.

For trees

Using coffee grounds as fertilizer for trees such as apple or pear trees is not very practical because it will require a lot of substrate. To get the result, you need to add about a bucket of waste, digging it into the tree trunk circle. Most often, coffee grounds are used to protect trees from pests.

Coffee grounds scattered around the trunk will protect the trees from ants, moths and leaf rollers; these insects tend to quickly leave the area treated with coffee.

During the ripening of the crop, a small layer of cake scattered around the trees will protect the fallen fruits from being eaten by slugs.

How to use coffee grounds in the garden


Adding cake to the substrate for growing mushrooms accelerates the development of mycelium and increases the amount of harvest obtained. Coffee waste contains most of the substances necessary for growing mushrooms in an easily digestible form.

Many people love coffee, and true connoisseurs of this invigorating drink prefer to brew it themselves. Grains contain a large amount of valuable substances, of which only part remains in the drink. The rest settles in the thicket, making it a universal fertilizer for the home, garden and vegetable garden.

Coffee grounds and cake

You simply cannot find a more accessible and cheaper fertilizer. A huge amount of magnesium remains in the coffee grounds, sufficient for normal plant growth throughout the entire growing season, potassium, copper and other mineral elements. It is unwise to throw away such valuable raw materials.

Instant coffee is not suitable here; you only need whole, natural, environmentally friendly (no pesticides). Especially if they have to fertilize fruits and vegetables.

Experienced gardeners prepare the cake in advance. Most often in winter, when there is time for this activity. Coffee machine waste, Turkish grounds - everything will come in handy. The biomaterial is laid out on paper and dried thoroughly. After the moisture has completely evaporated, it is transferred to a jar and stored in the dark.

Can it be used?

Spent coffee is an organic fertilizer. It acts much more slowly than its chemical counterparts: the grounds will gradually release all the beneficial substances, beneficially affecting plant growth and the condition of the soil.

With regular use of coffee grounds, the need for chemical fertilizers disappears.


  • The soil structure improves - the earth becomes loose and breathable. Coffee has the ability to adapt to any type of soil and positively influence its composition.
  • Gives the earth essential minerals for plants.
  • Smells nice.
  • Coffee makes it easier for plants to absorb nutrients from the soil.
  • Stimulates intensive growth of young shoots.
  • Repels pests and attracts earthworms.


  • Fresh coffee, due to an excess of nitrogen, can burn the root system. The result is the death of the plant.
  • The high acidity of fresh organic material changes the pH of the soil. Flowers and garden conifers like this.
  • Fresh coffee grounds contribute to the appearance of mold and fungal contamination of the soil.

Coffee machine waste is successfully used on farms for breeding Californian worms. The latter happily absorb the cake, turning it into excellent bio-raw materials.

Composition and properties

It used to be that coffee grounds were only suitable for alkaline soils. This is all due to the high acid content, which only flowers favor. Scientific research in recent years has proven the opposite: coffee cake has a neutral pH. All acids remain in the liquid. This means you can safely use this useful organic matter in your own garden.

Coffee beans contain phosphorus and potassium (for abundant flowering and good fruiting), copper and magnesium, potassium and calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen (for rapid plant growth). Their amount in the cake is within 3%. This is enough for optimal nutrition of garden and household crops.

For the garden

Experienced gardeners are convinced that coffee-based fertilizer can have a positive effect on the yield of tomatoes and cucumbers, peppers and eggplants, carrots and all legumes. In addition, indoor and garden flowers are very fond of it.

You should not use cake in its pure form as mulch. It can contribute to the formation of a crust on the soil, which will impede normal air exchange. A mixture of coffee waste with hay, straw or compost (take in equal proportions) will help to avoid this.

For cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers

The cake is effective for feeding and strengthening spring seedlings of vegetables. It is poured directly into the ground.

Tomatoes and peppers are very responsive to nitrogen. However, for abundant flowering and fruiting, they also need potassium. Adding wood ash will help avoid this. Bio-raw materials are placed in the ground, and ash is sprinkled on top of the plants. This will provide the crops with the necessary nutrition and also protect them from harmful insects.

For beets, radishes, potatoes

Root vegetables have a great need for two minerals: magnesium and potassium. Without them, there will be no good harvest. Coffee-based fertilizer can compensate for the lack of these elements. In addition, such feeding will restore the immunity of vegetables and improve their taste.

Coffee cake is used to pave the beds when planting plants (or scatter them before digging), and also add it directly to the holes.

The use of cake significantly reduces the percentage of potato tubers affected by wireworms.

For strawberries

Berry crops have a special need for magnesium during abundant fruiting. So, strawberries can be fertilized with coffee grounds several times a year, but especially during the flowering period and the appearance of the first ovaries. A small amount of cake is scattered on the beds, sprinkled with a little soil and watered.

Coffee works great against strawberry pests. This is especially true in rainy summers, when slugs multiply especially rapidly and are capable of destroying the entire crop. It is simply impossible to treat berries with chemicals on the verge of ripening. Coffee grounds will significantly weaken the pests' fervor, encouraging them to leave the berry beds.

For greenery

Absolutely all plants that are planted for the sake of rich green mass intensively consume nitrogen. If there is not enough of this substance in the soil, the leaves grow slowly, turn yellow and may even bend.

Coffee fertilizer is rich in nitrogen, and in an easy to digest form. The danger of overdose is reduced to zero.

Onions grown using coffee fertilizer will be smaller, but more environmentally friendly. The texture is much denser and also more resistant to rot and fungus.

The optimal dosage of coffee-based fertilizer is 200 ml per square meter. m. They add it when digging.

For shrubs

Absolutely all shrubs will like using dry cake. However, lingonberries and cranberries will appreciate it most. Fertilizing is done in early spring, the dosage is a couple of glasses per bush. The dry matter is poured under the plant and carefully dug up.

When planting shrubs, it is customary to add about a liter of coffee grounds to the hole. This way the plants take root better, don’t get sick, and receive a full range of nutrition.

For indoor plants

It is incredibly simple and convenient to use coffee machine waste as fertilizer for home flowers. This feeding is safe, effective, and does not require additional investment. In order for the result to exceed expectations, it is better to adhere to certain recommendations:

  • The soil in the pots should be allowed to dry out periodically, only then watered. Otherwise, the appearance of midges is inevitable.
  • It is not permissible to pour unfinished coffee into a flower pot. The coffee grounds should be washed and allowed to dry.
  • Instant coffee is completely unsuitable for watering flowers due to its high acidity.
  • It is better not to use cake after coffee with milk. Milk serves as a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.
  • Do not sprinkle homemade flowers with pure cake. You definitely need to mix it with soil. Otherwise, it will soon become compressed and block the access of oxygen.
  • Before feeding flowers with coffee fertilizer, you should make sure that this idea is advisable. It is contraindicated for many flowers.

The cake will appeal to: domestic roses, all types of palm trees, ferns and ficus trees. You can add coffee raw materials approximately once every 30 days (dosage – 2 large spoons of dry mass per 5 liters). The cake is scattered over the surface and covered with soil on top.

This fertilizer is very effective on viola and asparagus. These plants, receiving magnesium and nitrogen, begin to grow and bloom especially intensively.

Under heathers, acidophilus, and azaleas, you can add regular ground coffee. It will just acidify the soil, giving them a powerful shake-up and an incentive to grow.

Some gardeners use this recipe: take grounds (half a glass), hay dust (25 grams), 30 g of foliage. Stir, sprinkle with earth and allow to rot for a month. It’s better to do all this in an old saucepan or other unnecessary container.

The resulting substrate is added to flower pots, sprinkled with soil, and watered abundantly. This recharge is especially good in spring and late autumn.

Strawberries at home all year round!